This is CNN: Tapper Dedicates Segment to Trump’s Penis – IOTW Report

This is CNN: Tapper Dedicates Segment to Trump’s Penis

Big Journalism: CNN aired a segment about Stormy Daniels’ new book that described what Donald Trump’s genitals looks like on The Lead with Jake Tapper Tuesday.

“Lots of books claim to be tall-alls, but they don’t follow through. Stormy Daniels’ new book about her life is not that book. Wow. She tells all,” Jake Tapper said to introduce the segment.

“From the details of her career in porn to, yes, being in bed with the future president of the United States, and even being able to pick certain parts of him out of a lineup–then being threatened to shut up about it. All these accounts are in there. CNN has an early copy,” Tapper added.

Sara Sidner, a CNN correspondent, described a section of the book where Daniels writes about her alleged sexual encounter with Trump in 2006.

Sidner said:

When Daniels came out of the bathroom, she claims Trump was lying on the bed in his underwear. They had sex. She then describes his genitalia in great detail. “His penis is distinctive in a certain way,” she writes. Proof, her attorney Michael Avenatti says, she is tired of being called a liar by Trump’s people.  more here

29 Comments on This is CNN: Tapper Dedicates Segment to Trump’s Penis

  1. Line up the dicks, we’ll figure this out. All we need is Sloppy Daniel’s composite sketch and Anderson Pooper’s analysis of which dick most resembles Sloppy’s drawing. Then we reveal the dicks. If Trump’s dick is correctly selected, then she ain’t lying.

  2. If we just concede that in a moment of weakness, Donald Trump had sex with Sloppy, will they just shut the f**k up? We don’t care! All this is is just salacious porn for CNNs ever shrinking viewership. Let’s see what’s on over at the Cartoon Network.

  3. Dickgate. really? Come on, is CNN that desperate to fill air time? Maybe DJT has one of those Michael Jackson dicks, you know, black and white striped? How much more ridiculous can CNN get with this Stormy Daniels crap? It’s long past getting old. Stormy and Avenatti should be damn glad they didn’t charge Hillary with this crap. They would be dead already.

  4. there were jokes about certain *ahem* young ladies in my home town that you needed to strap a 2×4 to your ass to keep from falling in. I’m thinking one would need an even bigger board for this old woman.

  5. A major cable “news” network has descended into describing the President’s penis (an event that occurred, if at all, while Trump was a private citizen) and scrutinizing the ambiguous claims against a Supreme Court candidate when he was in high school and 36 years after the fact. This is the current state of American politics? It sounds more like the plot of a Porky’s sequel.

  6. Listen up “Stormy” (if thats your real name)…. unless your bits are looking as fresh as the newly driven snow (hah!), not like the rancid roast beef sandwich they probably are, STFU.
    Dont go away mad, just go away.

  7. All conservative men should take picture of our purple headed yogurt throwers and send them to Jake Trapper just to see how long it would take Anderson Cooper to steal them all. We could pixelate the tip. LOL

  8. In a Pavlovian response to the mention of the presidential member, the reporter Jake Tapper required several retakes to complete the report due to uncontrollable drooling.
    ” It’s an allergy” claimed the red faced Tapper.

  9. “His penis is distinctive in a certain way,” Distinctive? How? Top hat; goatee; a crown; leans to the right (never left); wearing a costume? Distinctive? Maybe a moustache. No, I got it…… a comb over!

  10. Simple loop:

    1. The more CNN’s viewership shrinks, the sleazier they get.
    2. The sleazier CNN gets, the more their viewership shrinks.
    3. Go to 1.

    Processing only ends when total meltdown occurs.


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