BFH’s Cross Examination of Dr. Ford – IOTW Report

BFH’s Cross Examination of Dr. Ford

My questions for Ford should she have the guts to actually testify.

-Have you always been an advocate for women’s rights, women empowerment and leading a life sympathetic to the struggles other women have to endure in what’s known as a patriarchal system that unfairly puts women at a disadvantage compared with men?

(I will assume Ford says yes.)

-Can I assume that you felt this way as a teenager?

-Do you think if Judge Kavanaugh had a certain worldview, say a misogynistic one, as a teenager that this is the person he is today?

-So, let’s set this dynamic up properly. As teenagers, Judge Kavanaugh is a predator and you are part of the demographic that is subjected to toxic masculinity, a group that you feel needs more empowerment, who struggles in this patriarchal system and who you stand with in solidarity, correct? You went to an all-girl high school, so you had the sisterhood sort of built-in at the time, correct?

-Let’s go back to the pool party. You said there were 5 people at this party, 3 boys and another girl and yourself. Sometime during this party you asked to use the bathroom and was told it was upstairs. You stated that you don’t remember if two of the boys, Kavanaugh and Judge, were already upstairs or if they followed you, but all you remember is that you were pushed into a bedroom and was sexually assaulted by Kavanaugh. Your screams were drowned out by music being turned up loudly.

Was the music already on in this upstairs bedroom?

You started screaming when you were attacked by Kavanaugh, so I assume it was Judge that turned the music up to drown out your screaming? He would have to know how to do that pretty quickly if the music wasn’t already on.

Do you think the 2 people left alone downstairs could hear the loud music coming from upstairs? Sounds like a better party upstairs than downstairs. The 2 people never came up there?

So Kavanaugh is on top of you, trying to get your clothes off and Judge jumped on top. At some time he jumped on top again and this caused all three of you to fall off the bed and that’s when you escaped and locked yourself in the bathroom.

You said you waited until you could hear them going down the stairs before you left the bathroom, went down the stairs and left the party.

How could you hear them go down the stairs if the music was turned up?

-At this point I don’t know if her testimony is that she left without seeing anyone, or she pulled herself together and said goodbye. Doesn’t matter, as you’ll see.-

So you quietly went down the stairs and left the party through the front door and never spoke to anyone about it because you were scared.

Isn’t that a very memorable event for the lone girl left at the party?

I’m about the same age as you, and my experience has been that at that age it’s pretty awkward for a girl to be at a party with high school boys that are older than them, particularly when the boys outnumber the girls.

So, the picture you are painting is that 2 boys followed 1 girl upstairs, and soon after the music was turned way up and then the 2 boys returned to the party but the girl never did, and that didn’t raise a red flag for the 1 girl remaining, the 1 girl left with 4 older boys who had been drinking?

You’re saying that this wouldn’t be a memorable event for this girl? She didn’t demand to know what happened to you, or didn’t go searching for you to see if you were still upstairs and was alright? That’s odd.

-If Ford says she did say goodbye, the scenario is worse.-

So what you’re saying is that you pulled yourself together and went downstairs and said goodbye to everyone and left? You left that girl alone with 2 drunk boys that just sexually assaulted you? That doesn’t sound like something you would do, a fellow sister, a defender of women against toxic masculinity. You didn’t pull her aside and let her know that she might be in danger, that the older boys were drunk, out of control and that’s why you were leaving?

That doesn’t sound like you.

With all due respect, this story probably sounded good on paper, but it really doesn’t pass the smell test of human nature.

I have a problem with 3/5ths of the party going upstairs, having the music turned up to blasting without the 2 remaining people wondering if the better party wasn’t happening without them.

I have a problem with you going missing after you excused yourself to go to the bathroom with 2 drunk boys following you, and neither of the 2 other people remember this happening.

I have a problem with the way you say you escaped. Judge jumped on top of you and Kavanaugh, then did it again and that sent all 3 of you tumbling to the floor?

Then when you escaped you didn’t run back down the stairs, the known escape route, you went to the bathroom, not even knowing where it was (you hadn’t got there yet, by your own testimony) and if that bathroom had a lock on it.

From there, with the music blasting, you heard Kavanaugh and Judge going down the stairs.

Those are some loud stairs, or some quiet loud music.

I yield my time to some democrat who will appeal to feelings, not facts, and try and get everyone crying so that Kavanaugh is denied his rightful place on the bench.


26 Comments on BFH’s Cross Examination of Dr. Ford

  1. Those questions are written with the evil penis that shoots seeds, and makes new life, and poisons the earth with a plague of men like evil rape Judge Cavendish.

  2. Not to take anything away from that line of questioning, but where is Bill Clinton? Shouldn’t there be a cnn camera and microphone in his face asking him what he thinks about the FBI opening an investigation into 35 year old sexual assault allegations. He could be viewed as an expert on the topic.

  3. The questions assume that there was such a party attended by those five people. It first needs to be established whether such an event took place – on what date and time? at what location? Three of the so-called witnesses deny that such a party occurred.

    Meanwhile over on PBS Bonnie Erbe and Elizabeth Holmes Norton are opining about what an extreme trauma must have been felt by little Chrissie when so brutally attacked by two older boys such that she feared for her life.

  4. I am wondering what the owners of this house did when they returned to discover that some anonymous, strange kids were having an underaged drinking party in their home? What did they think about the empty beer cans or bottles? How about those wrinkles on the upstairs bed? If none of the underaged participants named by this poor victim of sexual assault remember the party, or claim to have hosted the beer bust, wouldn’t the owners of this house have filed a police report? Wouldn’t the owners have asked the neighbors what had happened while they were absent from their home? It takes a bold boy to host a party in a stranger’s house. That’s breaking and entering.

  5. Are you an advocate for Women’s Rights? Why do you think you can supersede the Constitution of the United States of America that clearly states all citizens have Equal Rights?
    Isn’t the movement know as Women’s Rights nothing more than a ruse to entrap men with the intention of subverting a legal action for political gain?
    The Sixth Amendment to the Constitution states that the accused has the right to face a person accusing him of a crime so he can defend himself. Why are you requesting special treatment that denies the defendant the right to face you and defend himself? This is unconstitutional.

  6. BFH- throw the book at her!
    It will be a circus.
    There is a lot of interest right now, of finding pictures of her without sunglasses. Her presence on the net has been well scrubbed. It appears that her always present sunglasses have been very well photoshopped onto her pics, in an effort to escape facial recognition or pic matching searches. Apparently she has been quite ‘active’ in the past.
    And given that she is so closely associated with clinton and that apparatus, I’d like to learn that identity confirmation of her is done before any testimony, by using finger prints or such, to avoid a stand in actor.

  7. If you can’t remember WHERE it was, and you can’t remember WHEN it was, how can you be sure that you remember WHO it was?

    Checkmate… Get out.

  8. Good questions, Fur. And I have so very many more!

    The evidence is mounting, up and up, that this whole thing has been a set-up, a trap, planned since last summer and Blasey-Ford is supposed to “take one for the team.”

    I’ve moved from a position of uncomfortable uncertainty about the matter to raging anger. Even if you oppose a man, you don’t do stuff like this in America. Oh shit! ….Lady in Red

    PS: It’s a small thing, but I’m fascinated that poor Blasey-Ford has received death threats, moved out of her home. Where are the US Marshalls and the FBI? Where are the reproductions of the threats she’s received? She’s lying, again. The Marshalls and FBI are on top of the threats Kavanaugh’s family has received — progs do that — but Blasey-Ford is lying. Again.

  9. Thank you, liberal Democrat sore losers for making a mockery of all institutions that have until now made our country unique and free. We know you will do and say ANYTHING to get your way, no matter how damaging to our country it may be.

    May you all rot in hell.

  10. This whole “incident” is an imaginary fiction- a fake, a fraud and a phony. Concocted and orchestrated and waved gleefully by desperate leftards suffering from TDS in an effort to derail the confirmation process. It is, in fact, pure horseshit.
    And yet it continues to cloud the issue.

    It befouls the air like a fart in an elevator.

  11. What SHOULD be asked by the Rs:
    Holding her yearbooks high for all the world to see, earmarked pgs pertinent to alcohol infused party pics, racist costumed Halloween pics,
    Q. Ms Ford, you apparently condoned, and/or participated in, rather tawdry, disgusting activities as depicted in these yearbooks. The photo’s of you and your classmates clearly show what happened. Do you still ascribe to alcohol laced drunken partying and racism?
    A. Of course not. I don’t recall any of that happening, and besides, we were silly, immature teenaged girls.

    It’ll prob go more like this:
    Rs: Ms Ford, are you comfortable?
    Did you have a smooth flight?
    Can we offer lifetime counseling sessions to get you through this traumatic experience?

    Ds: How long was his penis?
    Any premature ejaculation?
    Who sat with and nursed you the two weeks it took for you to heel after cutting your wrists?
    Do you still wake up in cold sweats from nightmares having held this trauma in for 36 years, unable to share with anyone, after BK threatened to kill you, your family and your pets?

  12. “And one more question Professor Ford. Remember. You are under oath and are obligated under the law to fully answer under the threat of perjury. Spit or swallow?”

    (gulps) “Swallow.”

    “I rest my case. Thank you your honor.”

  13. Another: Prof. Ford, did you ever do drugs or alcohol while in school?
    Which ones and how often? How many parties did you go to when you were in school? How many boyfriends did you have?

  14. Dr. Ford, were you intoxicated at the party in question?

    I don’t recall.

    Dr. Ford, what were you wearing the night of the party?

    I don’t recall.

    Dr. Ford, where was the party?

    I don’t recall.

    What day of the week was the party?

    I don’t recall.

    How did you get to the party?

    I don’t recall.

    How did you get home from the party?

    I don’t recall.

    The three people you have identified as witnesses have made statements that they have no recollection of the events you described, in fact, they deny being at a party with you and Kavanaugh. What is your reaction to those statements?

    I take the Fifth.

  15. Dr. Ford, have you ever been propositioned by someone with the last name of ‘Clinton’? A follow up question, Does “Come in here dear girl, have a cigar”,,, do you have any recollection of that?

  16. There is no doubt in my mind, I have enough common sense, that Dr. Ford is a slut and her husband is a phucking pussy. They, like the murderer Kennedy, and the dopey groper Biden, before them, have destroyed a wonderful man and a beautiful American family. This is
    an American disgrace. I pray to God that President Trump will be the victor in this battle of good versus evil. And I pray to God that every Voter votes Republican this November. That’s our only chance.
    Yes, I wish BFH was doing the questioning, or me.


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