So, How Political is This Ramirez Gal From Yale? – IOTW Report

So, How Political is This Ramirez Gal From Yale?

Diana West wanted to answer the question, “how political is Ramirez?”

I have a better question. How crazy is she? Is she willing to risk a felony “for the cause”?

ABSOLUTELY. The woman is a typical lefty loon.


…I visited the website of the non-profit she works for in Boulder, Colorado: Safehouse Progressive Alliance for Nonviolence (SPAN).

At SPAN, Ramirez is “co-vice chair” of the board and a volunteer. That apparently means she “must learn and abide by” SPAN’s “comprehensive Code of Ethics,” which begins with a set of fundamental guidelines for board members, staff, interns and volunteers called “Non-Negotiables.”

Here is the complete list of SPAN’s  “Non-Negotiables” :

1. We share a basic understanding that violence against women is systemic;

women are an oppressed group;

and oppression in any form (racism, sexism, heterosexism, classism, cissexism, ageism, ableism etc.) is an act of violence.

2. We acknowledge intimate partner violence as an action taken primarily against women.

3. We do not blame the victim in any way for victimization. This includes:

respect for all people regardless of race, gender, religion, culture, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, immigration status or class;

an understanding of the use of violence that considers patterns of behavior, motive and impact, as opposed to a single act; and

an approach that is rooted in advocacy as defined by the client.

4. We continuously work to recognize and challenge our own personal beliefs. This requires:

an ongoing process of becoming aware of our own prejudices and privileges;

constant effort made toward avoiding projection of personal beliefs about a client’s and/or their children’s circumstances, or assuming that we know what is best for them;

the responsibility to be aware of our judgments and reactions when others disagree or hold different beliefs from our own.

a willingness to share personal ideas and to receive feedback and challenges on these ideas;

the responsibility to challenge oppression and privilege in others and ourselves; and

full accountability for our words and actions.

5. We demonstrate willingness to relinquish/share power and privilege. We are committed to seeking understanding about our experiences both as oppressor and oppressed.

6. We have a commitment to ethical communication in all of our interpersonal encounters. It is our goal to support each other in this process.

7. We value and are committed to social change through activism and community organizing.


h/t open the Petri dish–the next bacterial culture is ready

23 Comments on So, How Political is This Ramirez Gal From Yale?

  1. Seems like every accuser in this has an agenda or a past that now intersects with a Leftist cause or issue e.g., Blasey-Ford’s previous work at Stanford with Corcept Therapeutics publishing eight papers on the safety and efficacy relating to alternative uses of mifepristone (RU 486, the “morning after” pill).

  2. Risking a felony? Not much of a risk. The republicans are too gutless to recommend her for prosecution. This move will make he famous and rich. She will be a liberal icon until she dies.

  3. Ableist? I thought at first it was Albinoist. I could have supported a group that is anti-albinoist.

    Face it, albinos are hated by so many people, just for their color. Lots of women hate my guts because I’m a white male gun owning conservative. Who will speak for me? Who will cry for me, Argentina?

  4. The modern Homo Leftus Americanus has devolved into an intellectual cul de sac where the sound of the words outweigh their connection to reality.
    If a sentence sounds intellectual, it IS intellectual.
    If it ‘rings’ true it must be actually true.
    Modern Femenazis are just as bad as the man who says that a woman: “Deserves what she got for dressing like that. She was asking for it”
    Worse, because they actively seek the oppression of Men as revenge.

  5. I noticed that, in the original picture or her, she was wearing a politically correct ‘Puerto Rico’ T shirt under her flannel shirt. (Probably made in a third world sweat shop). How timely. In ever so politically correct Boulder. I’m so glad I fled from there in the late 70’s, when all the california trustfunders were arriving, in their flight from there. As liberal as it seems to the outside world, it isn’t a place of individual liberty, and it is really quite repressive. When I left there, you had to get a building permit to replace 3 pickets on a fence. That involved approval of an application and a fee. Yeah, no thanks. Bye. But she probably fits right in. At one time it was nice, but she and her like ruined what they found.

  6. For Pete’s sake! What a pile of steaming gobbledygook! When I worked for a large communications firm (rhymes with horizon), we were forced to attend sensitivity training where we learned that WHATEVER any other person deemed offensive would not be tolerated!? One of my co-workers was told to remove his posted copy of the Constitution of these United States of America because………..offense. FFS!

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  7. Forget it Jake, it’s Boulder. This is where women who suffer from thirty years of repressed venality go to discover how to release their deep hatred of the many people who caused them to be victims of imaginary crimes.

    It has been reported locally that she asked Senator Michael Bennet for advise, and that he recommended former Boulder County District Attorney Stan Garnett to represent her in this case, but he has been replaced by another attorney from one of Boulder’s most prominent law firms. The Boulder County Commissioners have expressed support for their “brave Boulder County employee” expressing her “truth” in this matter. More disturbing is Republican Senator Cory Gardner’s support for a Senate panel to investigate these allegations. Add Gardner to the list of Republican weaklings who might ask for more time to consider these slanderous accusations before he can summon up the fortitude to vote for Judge Kavanaugh. This is what the Liberal Lynch Mob set out to achieve when they plotted this last minute character assassination.

  8. “Add Cory Gardner…”

    Lord, this asshole has been at near the top of my Slimeballs Of The Senate List since he was elected.

    He was one of the organizers, along with Karl Rove, of a stop Trump meeting at Sea Island in 2016.

    Check it out and note the attendees.

    I haven’t commented here for years but I pop by once in a while. Cory Gardner merits a wake up call, truly one of the most despicable Republicans out there. His smiling images are worse then those hideous pictures of Obama with his ear to ear, shit eating grin.

    Sad about the once great state of CO, it’s run by Denver & Boulder counties, fucking toxic-great snowboarding, hunting and vistas.

  9. MML: The only thing that Cory Gardner ever accomplished was his upset defeat of Senator Mark Udall, who was planning on running for President one day. Udall has been very quiet lately, but I think he will be reappearing soon.

  10. Apparently, Deborah Ramirez claims to be a repressed Latino with Puerto Rican lineage. Why am I not surprised? Perhaps she is upset about those thousands of Puerto Ricans who didn’t really die in that hurricane, but I believe she is just another misguided volunteer in the War of Liberal Aggression.

  11. Moral/ethical outrage requireals a moral/ethical framework upon which to operate. The *only* coherent way to establish such a framework is to look to a transcendent moral authority and lawgiver. AKA GOD.

    All of these SJW’s need to have that rubbed in their faces. It’s a waste of time to argue over the particulars of their various manifestos and rantings when they have no basis for their outrage.

    Cut them off at the knees: advise them that if evolution rules the day, then their worldview does *not* allow for true, objective morality.

    I have some great resources for this line of argumentation if you want them.

    Bottom line, don’t get sucked in. Go for the ethical jugular. Tell the SJW that if they want to make moral sense, they have to invoke God!

    That’ll drive most of them nuts.

    You might be dealing with a member of the “religious left,” though, which will be a different scenario.


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