Bob Goodlatte subpoenas Andrew McCabe’s memos – IOTW Report

Bob Goodlatte subpoenas Andrew McCabe’s memos

WA Examiner- House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte on Thursday subpoenaed the memos kept by former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, the latest step in the Republican effort to investigate what they say are questionable Justice Department and FBI actions during the 2016 presidential election.

“[G]iven the department’s ongoing delays and/or refusal to produce these documents, I am left with no choice but to issue the enclosed subpoena to compel their production,” Goodlatte, R-Va., wrote in his Thursday letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions explaining the subpoena.

Goodlatte set an Oct. 4 deadline to provide the documents.

In addition to all documents and communications related to the memos, Goodlatte subpoenaed the file related to the first application for a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant authorizing surveillance on Trump campaign aide Carter Page.

Republicans have charged that the FISA warrant against Page is tainted because it used information contained in the dossier written by Christopher Steele, a former British spy. Steele was hired by opposition research firm Fusion GPS to compile the dossier connecting Trump to Russia, and Fusion GPS was paid by Democrats.

The political motive behind the dossier was not fully laid out in the FISA warrant application, which Republicans say makes the basis of the federal government’s Russia investigation biased.  more here

3 Comments on Bob Goodlatte subpoenas Andrew McCabe’s memos

  1. Just how many indictments, prosecutions and convictions have resulted from all the House and Senate committees investigations?

    Where are the Grand Juries, law enforcement investigations,
    prosecutions and convictions resulting from these dog and pony shows?

    Has there not been enough evidence to turn this over to a prosecutor?
    What is the statute of limitation for sedition and conspiracy?

    It appears the two tiered justice system is being used to protect establishment federal lawbreakers.

  2. I doubt they get much, if anything. It’s been a well concerted effort to hide the subterfuge, which if we had an efficient Department of Justice, would lead to indictments for obstruction of justice, criminal conspiracy, and sedition.

  3. In 2003 progressive President promoted Andy. If you can name this leftist President you will know why he will never got to jail.

    Hint the same liberal who promotedJames Comey, Comey also will never go to jail.

    Hint think Obama/Bush/Rove UNIPARTY


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