The Funniest Part of SNL’s Kavanaugh Send Up is Its Hypocrisy – IOTW Report

The Funniest Part of SNL’s Kavanaugh Send Up is Its Hypocrisy

In SNL’s opening skit (if one more person uses the phrase “cold open,” as if they are ‘in the biz’, I’m going to kick them repeatedly) one of the leftist comedians mocked Chuck Grassley for having made up his mind before the hearing.

Ironically, this skit is evidence that SNL, collectively, have made up their hive-mind.

They’ve made it clear that an FBI investigation could never uncover that Christine Ford is a liar, making Kavanaugh a victim. It’s not even a remote possibility, and it wouldn’t matter if it was.

Victims don’t matter to the left, unless we’re talking about when they are doing the victimizing. Then it matters. It matters to them to what degree they grind a potentially innocent person into dust. Will it be granular, or a fine powder?

This display was disgusting, and I don’t say that as someone who is professionally offended.

Is any topic up for grabs in comedy? Certainly.

Was it funny? Parts were. I liked many of the lines. But that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about the highly partisan hackery of yucking it up about a man that could very well be innocent of some very serious charges. Meanwhile, a single sideways glance at Christine Ford would be enough to send these same people into apoplectic teary-eyed outrage that anyone dare not take the word of a “survivor.”

I won’t link to the skit. I’ll link to a site that linked to the skit if you want to see it.



15 Comments on The Funniest Part of SNL’s Kavanaugh Send Up is Its Hypocrisy

  1. So they have a guy who admitted he knew of Harvey Weinstein’s sexual abuse and did nothing about it play the role of Kavanaugh? What the hell kind of Bizzaro world do we live in?

  2. Thanks for the sarcasm taking the headline! Have never considered him or Affleck talented. Damon can hardly read lines. Affleck is too concerned about controlling his bodily functions. Good Will Hunting was about looking for a sequel of crap. And yet, HBO found and financed it.

  3. SNL is still on? Who would have known. I quit watching their shit decades ago after Chase, Ackroyd and Belushi left. A person would have to be on drugs for SNL’s crap to be funny.

  4. Matt Damon is fat and a total hypocrite. But I repeat myself.

    Again but with a little more panache.

    Matt Damon has turned into a bloated fat fuck and a schlong of a retarded hypocrite!
    🖕🤣🖕 Matt Dumbass!

  5. It would be funny if it wasn’t so potentially powerful in giving and telling a small percentage of TV viewers what to believe.

    The rest of us understand parody. The rest of us understand things are not always 100% true or false and do not depend on our “cultural heroes” to tell us which one is which.

    It’s a free country but think of the minds being enslaved by this subliminal manipulation of information. If there is “fake news” then this is “fake comedy.” (You are now licensed and permitted to use that phrase from now on.)

  6. I imagine the Clarence Thomas SNL skits were just as bad. But I can’t remember, because that was so long ago, Brett Kavanaugh was probably still organizing the occasional rape train. Or maybe I can’t remember because Carter was President the last time I watched SNL. I think I’ll keep that streak alive.

  7. @Thirdtwin, if it’s any support, I let it go decades past. You are right, you missed nothing. I have no idea what the no-talent trash is on this show is today, yet before Canadian Lorne Michael s was indoctrinated by Kenyan Obama, still will never understand.

  8. The thing that is truly funny is that ALL the late night shows, including SNL, are Anti-Trump, and Anti-anything that’s not Leftism, FULL TIME.
    They seemingly can find humor in no other material.

    This after 8 years of the Biggest Joke of a POTUS and his gender-opposite linebacker wife who between them could barely handle the English language (despite their Ivy League Law degrees), let alone the operation of an umbrella or a girl’s bike.

    yes. ha ha


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