Why I was Wrong About Islam – Owen Benjamin – IOTW Report

Why I was Wrong About Islam – Owen Benjamin


Sure it isn’t perfect, but one thing I know for sure, is Muslims perfected the treatment of women.

9 Comments on Why I was Wrong About Islam – Owen Benjamin

  1. He admitted he was wrong about islam. He is so brave ….. and a real hero for being so forthcoming about his previous misconceptions (just borrowing the language from the left about the morons they fawn over for nothing). I might have to give more thought to stoning the woman than getting the woman stoned.

    He has a great dead-pan delivery. Plus, he had a lot of one liners that I will be stealing for future use like “50 shades of gay” and “potato sack of freedom”.

  2. @jm: From the Merriam-Webster dictionary:



    a. a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual.


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