Perusing Comment Sections of Lefty Sites is Like Walking Through a Psycho Ward – IOTW Report

Perusing Comment Sections of Lefty Sites is Like Walking Through a Psycho Ward

Today I decided to go to The Palmer Report and to Raw Story. It is RIDICULOUS.

Not only is Dr. Ford a credible witness, you know who else is? The ANONYMOUS letter with no return address, that’s a credible witness.

The letter offers no date. No place. No specifics (like what kind of car Kavanaugh was driving.) No name of the person Kavanaugh was with. No details.

It simply states that Kavanaugh, with the aid of a companion, shoved his penis in her mouth, climaxed, then repeatedly raped her in the back seat while taking turns with his friend.

Here are some reactions at the Palmer Report- (These are not parody accounts. These are real.)

Len Huber -Okay, in case anyone still had doubts, this guy is a sexual predator. Hopefully, the outcome of this confirmation process will be that he goes to jail. I wonder if the FBI is looking into this allegation as part of the expanded background check.

Bill ShyJr -That means everyone that would vote for this guy is what? An ‘accessory to rape’ is not accurate but seems to me something close. Google w/keywords I used, says it is a crime and called Accessory after the fact. Without a doubt tho Congress is possed by the devil metaphorically, maybe literally.

Ellem Childress -Again, there is a pattern of assault with at least one other guy present. This “audience” is consistent in the accusations. It seems random made up accusations would have lacked that commonality.

Beth N Scott -The harrowing thing about this incident is that it seems like a progression from the Ford allegation. It’s what Kavanaugh and Judge would’ve done to her had she not been able to escape into the bathroom…I would hope this woman, now that the content of the letter has been publicly released, would come forward publicly…All in all, there have been 6 separate allegations of sexual misconduct against Kavanaugh. I do hope people will go to the press and do so quickly.

Joseph DeFlora-Let’s at least look at these individually and not just at the scoreboard. 2 accusations have been completely discredited. The first being a hearsay account from an ex-girlfriend’s mother. The ex-girlfriend has adamantly denied any such event took place. The other from a facebook troublemaker about the fight on the boat. He’s backtracked completely on that and he may be facing criminal charges.

Ellie May- They were not discredited. One retracted on twitter, but we never heard from the woman who was raped on the boat, only her boyfriend, who admitted to assaulting both men (Kavanaugh and Judge) with another man and leaving them with injuries. Maybe that’s why he retracted – because he could be charged with felony A&B. Or the woman does not want to be torn to shreds like the other women.

The other allegation, from someone in Colorado, seems to be impossible to pursue because the tip gave no names or contact info. It’s up to the group with Kaveman that night, to come forward and fill in the details.

Francesca Vivanti – Unfortunately, this is the normal modus operandi of serial rapists, the violence increases if they are not caught. If all of this turns out to be true, I hope the FBI starts investigating any missing/presumed dead women during the time and area where Kavanagh and Judge were at high school and university.

Warren Johnson- What the fuck! THat’s not only rape, that’s kidnapping. Who I wonder was the second person in that car? Because the FBI gonna find out about it.

Rose Meade -Sure sounds like the same story (almost) of what Trump & Epstein did to the 13 year old back in the 1990’s! Only Trump & Epstein REPEATEDLY Beat & Raped this 13 year old, threw her some money & told her to go get an abortion (she was crying & afraid she’d be pregnant). Then both Trump & Epstein threatened her & her family with DEATH if she breathed a word of it (and her little friend that was there, forced to watch & listen). Kavanaughty & Trump are cut from the same cloth!!
They are both Guilty as sin!!


And look at this gem from The Raw Story-

Ummm (snicker), uhhh, why didn’t Kavanaugh just pick the number 69?
Too “on the nose”?

What are the odds of 2 friends pulling this off? Pretty good when random numbers are subjected to random math equations.

Look, number 32 is in on it too, because 32 backwards is 23 and 23 x 3 is 69!!!

Medication time… it’s medication time…..

27 Comments on Perusing Comment Sections of Lefty Sites is Like Walking Through a Psycho Ward

  1. And yet the anonymous complaint that obongo took Crazy Glue and glued some poor schmuck’s chocolate starfish closed at Man’s Country is not given the veracity it is due.
    I’m shocked!

  2. They go nuts over ridiculous, totally unsubstantiated allegations by far leftist activists, but when Obama nominated a self proclaimed racist, sexist bigot they were fine with that. And the eugenicist Ginsburg? (Again self proclaimed.) No problem with her either. The left is a cancer in our society.

  3. it’s a sad thing to watch a society self implode along with the helpless feeling of watching it unfold in real time.

    it couldn’t have happened to a more deserving bunch.

    wake me when the purging has subsided.

  4. Pssst…lefties….Kerry’s Lacrosse team number at St Paul’s was……..23!!!

    And his teammate Bob Mueller’s number was……32, which is 23 backwards!!

    Crunch those numbers, savants.

  5. And if you want to see how their ‘spontaneous’ demonstrations and letter/phone call campaigns come about, check out

    The domain was registered back on August 21, when Kavanaugh was meeting with senators… weeks before the confirmation hearings, and the Blasey Ford allegation. The domain is registered anonymously but the website is sponsored by Women’s March National and the Action Network.

    These websites take the raw emotion of the Lefty sites you’re noting and channels it into calculated action. Women who truly have been sexually abused (and their friends and families) are then politically abused. Sad.

  6. BFH:
    It is getting worse and worse. The lefty sites I visit to keep my finger on the “crazy pulse” are now stating that the NYTs has ALWAYS been a right wing rag and multiple posters (thousands) are cancelling their subscriptions. I am not going to interfere with them tanking that shitty propaganda fish-wrap but for f*cks sake the NYTs is a right wing rag?? The insanity and utter ideological blindness is truly palpable. They are filled with anger/hatred/rage and will lash out at anything that even remotely says one word that goes against their preconceived biases. Trump derangement syndrome is causing a complete breakdown of reason in these people. After Don’s 8 years they’ll either all be dead from the bloodiest civil war ever or they’ll be curled up on the floor in the fetal position laying in their own shit babbling to themselves.

  7. They know what degeneracy they are capable of and therefore just assume everyone else is just as despicable as they are. Half of those stating they believe the allegations are actually envious of all the fun Kavanaugh supposedly had as a young man.

  8. It is a Cult Mentality, a dangerous form which utilizes mob-action against “outsiders” and seeks the power of the State as a vehicle for evangelism and enforcement. The followers of Jim Jones were not even a threat, the Westboro Baptists not as vile, as today’s Leftists.

  9. Or just Occam’s Razor – there are no witnesses or corroboration because it NEVER happened.

    Look for missing and presumed dead and tie them to Kavanaugh STAT, he possibly once threw an ice cube at a bar and that is definitely the secret sign of a serial killer. Insanity.

  10. Anyone who expected anything less from them just hasn’t been paying attention.

    People have been talking about how crazy this “has become” but I have heard a plenty from the left throughout this entire Kavenaugh shitshow that is not one damn bit less preposterous than the Global Warming/Anthropogenic Catastrophic Climate Change bullshit they have been peddling the last two plus decades.

    Letting them get away with poppycock has emboldened them to the point that they are convinced that reality really is what serves their agenda. I am being absolutely serious when I say that they are 100% sincere in their belief that Kavanaugh committed all of the acts he is being accused of.

  11. Just be careful if you decide to comment on a leftist site. Twice I got my PC attacked by some a**hat when I told the truth about global warming at The Guardian site. He openly threatened to “send me a bit of code” again in the forum.

  12. organgrinder, my guess is they make up more than half of juries, at least the two I sat on were half or more emotionally driven types. If I ever get sued etc. I’d opt for a judge any day vs a jury.

  13. But you can run them on juries. They have no clue what they’re doing and take a lead quite well. If you have knowledge on a subject, it goes far. They mostly want out of there with the least effort. If you’re going to make things move, they’ll let you.

    I’ve been satisfied doing the duty most powerful for a citizen.

    I never duck it.


    I can’t even talk to some of them. The youngest of my last GF actually put her fingers in her ears and sang la la la la la … as I was explaining something she didn’t know.

    Everything outside her bubble is propaganda.


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