Double Door Ford Gaining Traction – IOTW Report

Double Door Ford Gaining Traction

I’m proud of our gumshoes here at iOTWreport.

Readers Page O’Turner, Hot Salsa, Dee, Merry Mouse- they’ve all been digging into the Ford story because it never really felt right to them.

Citizen sleuthing is honorable because we cannot trust the 4th estate to do the right’s bidding.

Page O’Turner was probably the first person to introduce the name Sylvia Randall into the conversation. We have no ill will towards the woman, have no theories that cast her in any negative light, and certainly are not commanding any minions (ha, as if we have minions) to do anything other than wonder how she fits into the Ford story.

Real Clear Politics has picked up the ball. You can read about it here.


As an addendum to their story, I’d just like to throw my 2 cents into the mix.

The following is not factual, it’s complete conjecture made by an armchair speculator. So cool your litigious jets.

I think it’s very possible that the Ford’s used a fallacious phobia to use as cover for their illegal rental. They used a psychologist to document an illness, just like people do to justify having a service dog, or a handicap placard.

Once this was on the record, the story about a sexual assault and the PTSD, and the phobia that followed, took on a mythic life of its own.

The hyper-partisan Ford, who sees Kavanaugh as a threat to her abortion pill investment/fortune, took the opportunity to fill in some gaps in her story and made Kavanaugh the attacker after the fact.


34 Comments on Double Door Ford Gaining Traction

  1. Wonder what Russell Biddle Ford is thinking. Does he feel like the husband who went along with his “That’s him!” wife in Alfred Hitchcock’s, Revenge?
    In college, I rode the bus from my apt to school. I would often see an elderly woman who also rode the bus and and later see her in the library for hours. I finally asked her what she was reading and she said she was a retired CPA who did research for a local firm. Wow, good for her! Another time I saw her and she mentioned that she had been a lawyer. Really?!! Later she said she had flown planes in WWII (like the WASP). No way, that is great! You can see where I’m going. I was very naive and believed every word. I told her she was so amazing that there should be a book about her life! It wasn’t until she told me that people were trying to poison her through food that I realized she had a vivid imagination and probably made it all up. You could say I was definitely out-of-touch, hoodwinked, and bamboozled! I fear that CBF has done the same thing to the lo-fo voters who believe every word from the Dems and drive-by media. So thankful for IOTWReport and other alternative media!

  2. In like, I have no ill will towards the woman, yet identifying turds like this and taking them to task, bring Um’ them on! No Doxx, just Clorox in the Clinton waterboarding way.

  3. The Demokraps needed to stall for time in order to help Ford polish up her story. She may have been assaulted, but I doubt if it was Kavanaugh, she just inserted his profile into her memory of the event and tweaked it about for a political effect that suited her and the lefts needs. When your lynching (bad idea) someone, you really should at least try to have the right party, but for the right cause and no conscience…

  4. Two Doors Down.

    I have my doubts that there even is a “therapist” or notes. Until Blasey Ford produces the name of the therapist and the notes from the session she’s guilt of perjury and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. After all, isn’t that how the legal system works post-Kavanaugh hearing?

  5. On the “second victim” Ramirez…she went to Yale and currently lives in Boulder Colorado…
    Brett Kavanaugh went to Yale and graduated in 1990…
    Colorado senator Michael ‘Spicoli’ Bennett went to Yale and graduated in 1993…
    Michael Bennett’s office was contacted by a judiciary staffer about Ramirez and he referred Stan Garnett of Brownstein and Farber to be her lawyer…
    Stan Garnett is a former Boulder Colorado DA…
    Contact this guy to verify..
    It’s his and Peter Boyles story….these guys are great!…
    This Ramirez story really stinks…

  6. Apparently her attorneys are a tad concerned the FBI hasn’t reached out to interview Ms Ford, to the degree they sent a letter to Wray (cc Rosie) today demanding they assign an agent and/or contact them immediately.

    Odd coming from an atty who’d know Ford rendered testimony under oath before the senate and the only witnesses to be interviewed were named by her.

    They’re nervous Ford isn’t the nail in the proverbial coffin they thought she was.

    As to charges against her for perjury, fat chance. It’s hard to prosecute a person who claims mental illness, and that’s what she’ll say. Plus, she’s an American hero to boot!

  7. @Jethro. left 1 out, Ford Galaxie 500 2 door hardtop. Just FYI, no offense. Still the most creepy avi ever! Rock on with regards, understands was also in the 4 door model, and you said only 2 door. regards

  8. EXCELLENT Expose and real journalism.

    Very important thorough read.

    She’s renting out ILLEGALLY to GOOLAG employees!!

    How RICH.

    MSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. Ford…I am getting tired of this mandated ‘DR.’ bullshit…YOU may be up for perjury.

    LET’s see if the Rhinos have the stomach for it.

    Paul is a local guy…read up.

    Speaking of Ice?

    “Put some ICE on that lip there” – The Great Stain Maker


  9. Thanks, Fur. It’s a pivotal time. We all must do what we can to turn back the evil or resign ourselves totalitarian rule.

    As Reagan warned, the loss of liberty is always only one generation away.

    One thing we all can do – pray for President Trump and pray for our country. I have no doubt we are seeing the hand of God at work.

  10. TO Fur RE: your speculation

    “I think it’s very possible that the Ford’s used a fallacious phobia to use as cover for their illegal rental.”


    If she (and the Mr.) *knew* the rental unit was illegal, they’d have to have been thoroughly stupid (which I don’t believe they are) to “go public” with the accusation to Eshoo and Feinstein and expose this illegality. I DOUBT THIS.

    As a secondary thing, speaking as an architect, since they got a construction permit for the 2nd entry door (and other renovations) – and assuming the partitioning-off of a section off the house was part of the permit – *that much* had to have been legal. The only part that *might NOT* have been legal there – you’ll have to check local ZONING codes as of 2008 – would be the renting-out of that space (i.e. generating income from a multi-purpose zoned property: residential and rental/business)…as opposed to it being a “mother-in-law” kind of space (inter-family…which is more common than you think around the country).

  11. @Jethro – Checking them out I found ’62, 64′, 65′, ’67, and ’68. “Course you cannot discount the ‘Mods”,,Smiles,,, and wonder if so why is there not a ’63 or ’66? Know what I mean? Grand-Dad had a ’64 4 door, with the 427! Scared his ass at the time! What great car,,, was that shitty fake metallic blue. He had the that done in that bubble wrap up crap at the same time as the sofa

  12. @Czar- the drawings that accompanied their permit application are here-
    Alternatively, they are at the end of-

    Their permit didn’t include two doors, they snuck it in. Their drawing does show a new door going into the side of the garage. One of the windows in the street side of the house became the ‘second door.’ And actually, I think there wound up being 4 means of egress to the building.

    I did a renovation in Boulder in ’73 or so, in which a professor converted the downstairs of his house to a separate living space for his ‘nephew.’ The town wouldn’t permit it, saying only one kitchen sink was allowed per structure. They would allow a second ‘bar’ sink, but not two kitchen sinks. They used the measurement from faucet outlet to drain opening as their determination. The project wasn’t going anywhere. Then we discovered that he needed a second sink for kosher food preparation. It happened. Crazy place, that place is.

  13. TO toby

    Thanks, that plan explains A LOT. They got a permit for a YUGE renovation, basically doubling the area of the house. They put their new MBR Suite behind the garage and likely claimed the front 2 rooms to be “bedrooms.”

    HOWEVER: they not only “snuck in” a new entry door (unlikely, as such street-side construction is 1) obvious and 2) usually quickly reported by nosy neighbors) BUT ALSO interior alterations to close off those 1 – or, more likely 2 – front rooms into a separate habitable space.

    [AN ASIDE: Stuff like this happens *all the time* to basements in Georgetown in D.C., where the rents to Geo’town U students bring in *tons* of $ to the homeowners. But, they eventually changed the zoning and codes to allow it.]

    So, my points above still stand.

    QUESTION: could there be a MORE RECENT construction permit/zoning variance for that “2nd separate unit” work I describe above, that no one has found/looked for?

  14. Here’s a goody, Balls’y in an interview said that the Polygraph Pro asked Her her Life Story and was endless. Now enter the Cabal Polygraph Man whom I saw interviewed as well, and He said ” He asked only TWO Questions” as that was Standard for his testing. WTF did someone forget to Plan this out ?

  15. I remember when the Bush Guard Memo thing broke. One guy–ONE GUY–who happened to know everything about typography, saw the Rather Memo and called “FAKE”! What was his name? Buckhead? And then it went from Little Green Footballs to PowerLine, and the rest is history. Much like Dan Rather is history!! So, too, will be CBF. In the Real Clear Investigations piece on this, Sylvia Adkins Randall, the psychologist (NOT a therapist) tells Mr. Sperry that she doesn’t want her real estate transaction to be reported. “It’s personal” she says. HA! I about choked! Yeah, it’s pretty personal to Kavanaugh and his family, too. BTW, I’m not done with Ms. Randall yet.

  16. @OWRR- apparently the democratic side of the committee has had the therapy notes, but won’t share them. And now, feinstein wants to make all the records ‘secret.’
    If ever there was a time for people to push, it is getting to be about now.

  17. @ Toby – full on cannons broadside!

    Don’t stop firing until…well don’t stop firing…until the white flag goes up.

    Even then, trust but verify – RR



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