Rapper makes video implying Melania Trump stripped for him in Oval Office while President was away – IOTW Report

Rapper makes video implying Melania Trump stripped for him in Oval Office while President was away

Where’s #MeToo?? Where are the feminists defending Melania against such misogynistic fantasy, depicting her as some sort of, well, Bill Clinton-like creep who would sully the oval office? Where is the MSM saying this is beyond the pale? I guess this is well within the realm of the pale… whatever that is.

But could you imagine someone making such a clip about Michelle Obama? (I just threw up a little.)((Maybe that’s why no one did… the nausea.))

Don’t click if you don’t have to. It’s pretty risqué. (NSFW)

Update: Also, did you catch the part where “Melania” defaces Trump’s portrait with spray paint?

18 Comments on Rapper makes video implying Melania Trump stripped for him in Oval Office while President was away

  1. What a sack of excrement. We know Michelle, in her heart, would have loved to vandalize the White House and we know that the Clinton’s did vandalize the White House once they left.

    The funny thing is Melania is stunning enough that little boys or those with little boys mentalities would line up to see her dance in any capacity. She is the only first lady since forever to have such beauty. But what makes her the most fabulous first lady is the fact that she loves this country. She is more American than Michelle and Hillary combined.

    Femanazi’s screaming at the objectification of the First Lady in 3, 2, 1, … Russia, Russia, Russia. They are going to get spanked so hard this November; I can’t wait.

  2. Hey little racist black boy, I thought WHITE women were supposed to be a PROBLEM with all you slime balls?
    At least that’s what your mammy’s tell you.
    Suck it up and be a man for once instead of a little boy who couldn’t get anything that fine in your pathetic life. All you can do is fantasize.
    Grow up.

  3. @ gin blossom
    How many “rappers” are out there for f#cks sake? 60, 70,000? And not a one capable of playing a musical instrument.

    …or able to read a note of music!

  4. @ BFH – NOT watching that crap.

    @ Lady – JO, Jackie, was NOTHING compared to Melania. Jackie was a DUNCE. Melania is quite smart AND sexy.
    How old is old? Cannot one be ‘both’? The First Lady is NOT OLD!!!

    Why do you all think or wonder why an asshole makes a video of a stripper fantasy? Because this is ALL he knows of what woman are.

    Rap is GARBAGE…NWA…(Gee what does THAT stand for) “Don’t..don’t… believe the Hype”


    Look at the audience…WHITE.

    This degradation started some time ago…RAP, could not stand it then can’t stand it now.


  5. FLOTUS Melania knows she bears the brunt of the people’s hatred for her husband in many ways. Because she’s mild mannered and soft spoken some think she is weak and they pick on her. She should be given due respect as a human being. This rapper has done her wrong and must be punished for it.

  6. How trendy! How edgy! No one else dares treat Melania like shit! Way to buck the trend! Oooooooh!

    Michelle doesn’t have to strip. You can see her dong through her clothes half the time.

    I got a Twitter time out because of Michelle. Someone had asked about something stupid the Dems were putting out and asked “Do they think we don’t have eyes to see this stuff?” I wrote back “I don’t think so. They told us Michelle 0bama was the epitome of beauty.” Someone was offended by that. LOL


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