FBI Investigated Andrew McCabe For Allegedly Leaking About Michael Flynn – IOTW Report

FBI Investigated Andrew McCabe For Allegedly Leaking About Michael Flynn


The FBI investigated former Deputy Director Andrew McCabe in March 2017 for an alleged unauthorized leak to the media regarding former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn and President Donald Trump, according to documents released Monday.

The alleged leak, which has not previously been reported, occurred in early February 2017, shortly before Flynn was fired as national security advisor for lying about his contacts with Russia’s ambassador.

According to the FBI documents, the FBI’s office of public affairs received a complaint “regarding a media leak involving a statement overheard in early February 2017.”

“Specifically, the alleged comments were made by DD A. G. McCabe and pertained to General Michael T. Flynn and the POTUS,” reads the FBI document, which the bureau released as part of a trove of documents related to an internal investigation of McCabe.

The investigation, which was into the unauthorized disclosure of sensitive information, appears to have been opened on March 20, 2017.

The FBI became aware of the complaint on Feb. 21, 2017, reads the document, which was prepared by the FBI’s internal investigations section.



2 Comments on FBI Investigated Andrew McCabe For Allegedly Leaking About Michael Flynn

  1. With all the reporting of Warren’s ridiculous efforts, there must be something going on they want to distract the voters from seeing. Hopefully, it’s impending indictments for the seditionists in the FBI and the DOJ.


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