Nikki Haley’s Al Smith Dinner Joke Gets Big Laugh, But Her Closing Statement Is Garbage – IOTW Report

Nikki Haley’s Al Smith Dinner Joke Gets Big Laugh, But Her Closing Statement Is Garbage

I queued up her biggest laugh. Afterwards she gets some jabs in at de Blasio, stuff that reveals the folly of her closing statement.

In the end she goes on some weepy scold that “our political opponents are not evil.”

Uhhh, you just detailed how de Blasio has made NYC a sanctuary city. It’s evil to choose non-Americans to be free from prosecution of crimes while Americans suffer the consequences of their free pass. Allowing gangs like MS-13 to flourish, all to score political points, is evil.

Then, ironically, she closes by saying “we are all Americans.”

Go home, Haley, you’re drunk.

18 Comments on Nikki Haley’s Al Smith Dinner Joke Gets Big Laugh, But Her Closing Statement Is Garbage

  1. Don’t seek the approval of people that hate you.

    See also when Palin attended the WH Correspondents Dinner. You don’t have enough sq. inches on your back and chest for the knives they ache to stick in you.

    Some may be American by birth but they are Soviet by education and profession.

  2. @Cliche Guevara: Your last sentence is SPOT ON. Btw, have you voted yet? I’m in The People’s Republic of Davidson Co, and waited 20 minutes to early vote yesterday. I overheard a poll worker say that the previous day was packed all day and they had to turn away some at 4:30 pm because they couldn’t process them before the 5 pm deadline.

  3. The sentiments she expressed are the same ones I and everyone around me grew up believing. Now the Democrats think the Republicans are all soulless exploiters of their fellow man, and the Conservatives think the Liberals are all evil Socialists out to destroy the Republic.

    What the hell happened to us?

    Have we all gone mad?

  4. I’m neither a fan nor a hater of Haley, but I put this in the same category as Trump’s initial statement that The Right Honorable Esteemed Doctor Professor Ford “seemed credible” – polite lies you say because a decent person might say them, in the certainty that those spoken about will take care of proving them false.

  5. Vix: I’m voting tomorrow in Cheatham. Nashville commies and transplants are all jazzed up I’m sure.

    They love their carpetbaggers.

    Where I go, I’m in and out in 15 mins. When I lived in Davidson, it was always something.

    I remember the Bellevue Community Center for Bush v. Gore in 2000. People lined around the walls and out the door at 7:30am.

    Blackburn may be tight. I don’t see how Dean stands a chance. He certainly got a pass over Serpas and the crime that exploded under his watch.

    We may need an Occupied Nashville support group.

  6. Cliche: I have a close family member working inside the Lee campaign. Polling has Lee eating Dean’s lunch and popping the bag. I had my doubts about Blackburn, but I think she may actually beat Bredesen by bigger margins than anticipated.
    Check out Larry Schweikart’s Twitter. He has great analysis about polling data in various races around the country.

  7. VV- I invite you to the thread about polio returning to the United States.

    We lived in a country that eradicated many of the deadly diseases that plagued much of the world, particularly the third world.
    Now the left wants open borders and the free flow of turd worlders and these diseases are coming back. They are sacrificing our health in an effort to gain political power.

    If that’s not evil then I don’t know what the word means.

  8. @BFH: I’ve always tried never to attribute to evil that which can be adequately explained by self-centeredness and stupidity.

    But maybe you’re right. I guess it all depends on whether you require intent to be present before calling someone truly evil. I used to; now I just don’t know.

  9. V: Vandy and MTSU polls are reliable too. When Vandy says the race is close, that means the Republican wins by 10 points. When MTSU says it’s 5 points to the Dem, that means the Republican wins by 15.

    Cautiously optimistic on Lee. He’s an unknown like Haslam was – which was just a disappointment at every turn. I had heard Lee is a freemason.

    Overarching point, I try not to let Nashville color my perceptions. It’s LaLa Liberal Land. If an R cracks 35-40% in Nashville, it will be landslides everywhere else.

    Aside from TayTay Swift’s informed comments, apparently Nashville liberals don’t want to elect the 1st woman senator.

    Not much has changed:


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