What to expect from president Trump if the right retains all branches of government – IOTW Report

What to expect from president Trump if the right retains all branches of government

“If you vote to elect a Republican House and a Republican Senate, we will”:

  1. “Continue to cut your taxes,”
  2.  “Cut your regulations,”
  3. “Raise your income,“
  4. “Make our country great again,”
  5. “Protect Medicare and Social Security,”
  6. “Continue confirming judges who interpret the Constitution as written,”
  7. “Fully secure the border,”
  8. “Pass Kate’s law,”
  9. “Stop sanctuary cities,”
  10. “Stop catch-and-release,”
  11. “End the visa lottery,“
  12. “End chain migration,”
  13. “Keep the criminal drug dealers and terrorists the hell out of our country,” and
  14. “Lift millions of our citizens from welfare to work, dependence to independence, and from poverty to prosperity.


13 Comments on What to expect from president Trump if the right retains all branches of government

  1. My lefty friends on FB have been “educating” me this past week with pretty memes in fancy fonts and Obama colors that if I vote Republican they are going to take away #5.


    And if I vote Democrat, I can harass people in restaurants and pretend America is Gilead, and wear a red dress with a big bonnet. I think that’s #2 and #7 on their list.

  2. How about getting rid of tsa and letting airports privatize security? Never caught a terrorist and huge waste of taxpayer $ not to mention the intrusiveness and abuse of the flying public.

  3. Compared to the eight years of Obama things now seem better than they really are! There’s a lot more that could have been done and a lot more that should be done.
    If Trump can’t get these things back in line then it’s very unlikely it’ll ever happen.

  4. Just heard a prediction (not a prophecy) by a pastor who says that Kavanaugh will shock everyone by deciding more liberally on socially orientated cases than conservatively. He lays out of fairly solid case for his opinion based on Kavanaugh’s swearing in speech, but we’ll have to wait and see.

  5. @Cold Facts…

    Agreed. Trump drew a red line in the sand, just as wide and bright as Obama’s, when he threatened to put the US military on the border to stop the illegal hordes. It looks like his bluff has been called, and I see no sign of mobilization of assets toward the border, something which should be happening right now. Maybe he’s got secret negotiations going on right now, but I think he’s been backstabbed by AMLO. Just like the snake, AMLO told Trump exactly who he was and what he would do,and yet Trump still trusted him:

    “…very soon, after the victory of our movement, we will defend migrants from all over the American continent and the world who, by necessity, have to to leave their towns to look for a [better] life in the United States. It is their human right that we are going to defend.”

    Soon is now, President Trump. It’s make or break time, and there are only bad optics and worse optics. Gut check time for the GOP, too. Pray.

  6. Divine intervention?


    It’d be a shame if Mexico’s crappy transportation infrastructure took a big hit, with floods, washed out bridges, long detours, no resources available to help the illegal horde, and borders closed hard due to a national state of emergency.

    And who will AMLO have to call, hat in hand, for help? Pray.

  7. Never underestimate the fecklessness of the Republican Party.

    I support President Trump and some assorted, individual Republican politicians.

    I have not donated to the RNC, the NRSC, or NRCC in over a decade.

    When they repeal (not replace) the odious ObolaCare, de-fund Planned “Parenthood,” and start to look after Americans FIRST and Foremost, and build the damned WALL, I will re-consider my support – not until then (as if they cared about my $25).
    So, I’m not holding my breath.

    Ah, well … we do what we can …

    izlamo delenda est …


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