Trump contemplating executive order- Dropping a baby on U.S. soil will no longer mean the baby is an American citizen – IOTW Report

Trump contemplating executive order- Dropping a baby on U.S. soil will no longer mean the baby is an American citizen

22 Comments on Trump contemplating executive order- Dropping a baby on U.S. soil will no longer mean the baby is an American citizen

  1. If at least one parent is not a US citizen, then this should not be a question.

    The Founders did not contemplate a birth tourism industry sucking off of the value of our passports and well funded welfare state.

  2. How many Millennials even know what an “Anchor Baby” is? I can imagine many of them saying, ” WTF?? What other country does that??”

    Whatever happens with this EO, you can bet on some serious voxplaining for the lofos, and some 404 Errors in a bunch of NPC’s.

  3. Great move! Have someone working with the administration challenge it immediately in a court that is more likely to uphold. Otherwise it will be in the ninth circus in a New York minute.

  4. This President has moral clarity — what a breath of fresh air! He is righting the ship of state, each and every day.

    Thank G-d for President Trump — what a blessing he is to the American people. (All the American people, not just his supporters).

  5. The left hates the Constitution, consider it “living” and moving left beyond recognition — unless they can take a passage and twist it into something beyond which it was ever intended.

    Suddenly, they *love* the Constitution. ….Lady in Red

  6. Dianny, it is funny to watch the MSM NPC’s go from laughing and smirking about Trump’s “ridiculous red meat for Trumper idiots” EO proposal, to choosing their words about it very carefully, and admitting that the validity of the modern interpretation of Birthright Citizenship has never actually been tested in court. Gonna need some big Panels on TV to discuss this.

  7. “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, _and_ subject to the jurisdiction thereof…”
    ‘…and subject to the jurisdiction thereof”
    Illegal immigrants are not ‘subject’ to the jurisdiction of the US. Their illegal status is definition. They are however, an ‘object’ of/to US jurisdiction and its legalities. And, the word ‘object’ having multiple definitions/uses, I contend they are all applicable.

  8. I hope to God he does then Canada may look at the writing on the wall and do the same damn thing because as sure as hell those heading to give birth in the US will head for Canada instead.
    With luck, when Trudeau and his gang are turfed the new Conservative Leader will take immediate action.


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