Evidence piles up about caravan’s criminals, terrorists and human shields – IOTW Report

Evidence piles up about caravan’s criminals, terrorists and human shields

American Thinker: As candy-coated accounts from lefty activists saturate the airwaves to assure Americans “We have nothing to fear from the migrant march,” and President Trump’s warnings about criminals within the invading army are dismissed in the press as “without evidence,” the Department of Homeland Security put paid to the nonsense with a new report warning that the migrant army of mostly unemployed military-aged males has at least 270 convicted criminals within its ranks.

According to the Washington Examiner:

“We continue to be concerned about individuals along the caravan route. In fact, over 270 individuals along the caravan route have criminal histories, including known gang membership,” the statement said. “Those include a number of violent criminals – examples include aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, armed robbery, sexual assault on a child, and assault on a female.”

A DHS spokesperson told the Washington Examiner the 270 had previously been convicted, not just charged.

“We also continue to see individuals from over 20 countries in this flow from countries such as Somalia, India, Haiti, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh. There is a large segment of this population that we know nothing about and we must be prepared to defend our border and enforce our laws to protect the citizens of our country,” the department said.

Two hundred seventy criminals are merely those the Homeland Security knows about based on their past convictions. The ones who haven’t been caught and convicted of crimes likely raises the number to something quite a bit higher.  read more

15 Comments on Evidence piles up about caravan’s criminals, terrorists and human shields

  1. I’ll bet that ain’t all that’s piling up. The infestation of diseased fecal matter they leave as parting gifts as they traverse the countryside will be similar to the memoirs they deposit in our sanctuary cities.

  2. I was sorry to hear DJT back down from (paraphrasing) “if they throw rocks we’ll shoot them” to “if they throw rocks we’ll arrest them”.

    Throwing a rock at somebody is assault with a deadly weapon at minimum and quite possibly attempted murder, and using lethal force in self-defense in that kind of situation is 100% justified.

    Stand Your Ground.

  3. OMG. This from the “Irish Voice” The Voice for leftist Irish in America. Of whom there are very few among those that I rub shoulders with. But they are around nevertheless.
    “Irish Voice” 11/2/18. (Fake News)
    “American Carnage:The worst week in recent American History.”
    “Looking back on President Donald Trump’s inauguration speech let us reflect one week on from a mass shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue and as US military troops are being deployed to protect American (sic) from huddled masses.”
    You figure it out! All can say is President Trump had nothing to do with the synagogue murders, and there are no “huddled masses” on that mob caravan.
    I wrote to”Irish Voice” but , it’s like writing to a fucking stone wall. “Huddled masses,” my arse.
    Truth is, these people, like many in our media, just hate Donald Trump.
    MAGA Donald. most of us love you.

  4. When nations allow masses of foreign people in to settle, that’s a sign that the host nation is a decaying nation – just see how well that strategy worked for the Roman Empire when they allowed displaced Goths to settle on Roman lands. And make no mistake about it – our nation is in danger of decaying if not already well on that path.

    The reason seems pretty simple; large masses of foreign settlers have different core values than what the United States used to represent. But at least those immigrants have core values – when I look at the Democrat party and leftists in general, I don’t see any. Greed, jealousy, petty revenge and a desire to live a hedonistic lifestyle really aren’t long term core values, and ultimately things aren’t likely to end well.

    That’s why liberals and leftists hate Donald Trump – Trump loves America and values personal liberty, hard work and opportunity. All of to which a committed liberal says “yuck.”

  5. Is it not THE one thing we pay the government to do??? DEFEND OUR BORDERS!!!
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  6. Uncle Al. The President reminded the MSM that the caravan mob beat the shit out of the Mexican Police and Army and injured many of them. I think his message is that this will not happen with our troops. I hope not. But media are aching for a fuckup or a death. My hope is that the mob will turn around and go home. Huddled masses, my arse.

  7. @MoeTom
    The Irish should stick to what they’re good at. I opine with a clear conscience, having a liberal veeery Irish BIL. Were it not for his pickled brain, I’d have to disown my sister for having married him.
    @Uncle Al. As for Trump taking out the lumps, (firing on them v arrests), don’t know if you’ve seen the first of many lawsuits filed against him and the admin, all it would take is a rubber bullet bruising a por poquito and we’d have the MSM version of Tiananmen Square on our border. He’s smart to dial it back.

  8. @moe tom – We agree on what we want to happen with this self-styled “caravan”. It’s not that I want rock throwers shot as much as I want rock throwers threatened with being shot.

    But if an American soldier or border patrol agent has somebody come at him with a rock, I approve if that soldier or agent decides that shooting the assailant is the best way to defend himself.

  9. Yeah, don’t throw a rock at me, because I don’t have any rocks, but I have bullets that I’ll throw back at you. See how that works.
    Seriously, I saw a demonstration by the US Army against riots and crowd control. Some gismo that shocks the shit out of them but they can walk away from. I’d love to see it in action at the border.

  10. To arrest any of these illegal invaders means they would have to be inside the US borders. That is just what they want — to be inside to stay. What happened to the objective of NOT letting them cross into the US? What kind of double-crossing mumbo-jumbo is being told Americans about this looming invasion? Does the President and the US Military intend to protect and defend our country from these criminal militants, or not? Americans have no assurance that our country will not continue to be invaded by hoards who are willing and able to be internal enemies intent on terrorist activities by supporting Communists in their overthrow of the government.

  11. Borders exist to protect and nurture the culture within. Unprotected & unenforced borders indicates the culture within is no longer valued. Those who wish to enter as invaders, if allowed too without earning entry, will also not see any value to learning and protecting the existing culture. They will feel no obligation to protect it and feel free to dilute it and finish its destruction. TG for PDJT who believes in the first sentence.


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