Michael Avenatti Implies MEN Should Be Believed – IOTW Report

Michael Avenatti Implies MEN Should Be Believed

Overlooked in Avenatti’s statement is a very strange implication that suggests men should be believed.

It’s the last line, “you know me as a man, and I appreciate it.”

It’s an awkward line from a guy who has no idea what he’s yammering about most of the time, but the inference here is sort of clear.

So, if women are to be believed and men are to be believed, where does that leave us?

It leaves us with the silly, asinine bumper sticker slogans, that aren’t thought through, made by the moronic left.


14 Comments on Michael Avenatti Implies MEN Should Be Believed

  1. “Please give me all the courtesies and niceties of our justice system, since I’m a good guy…..unlike Kavanaugh who was a rapist.”
    Schadenfreude is a dish best eaten cold or hot….very satisfying seeing this scummer spend some time in lock up.

  2. Hey Avenatti – what is more plausible, you hit a woman you had a relationship with or Bret Kavanaugh ran drug rape trains in high school and the accuser is a woman he doesn’t remember/know that graduated years prior to him. Karma is a bitch.

  3. Avenatti is someone you absolutely know thinks that every comma in his bank account adds an inch to his dick. With his debt and his problems little mikey’s gotta be worried about some serious shrinkage!

  4. Uncle Al: Are you thinking what I’m thinking? Creepy Democrat Wife Beating Tax Dodging Perjury Suborning Asshole Porn Lawyer.

    Just like a latter-day Bill Clinton, except Bill wasn’t a Porn Lawyer…


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