(More From the Defective Liberal Brain) You Should Get Consent From a Sex Robot – Otherwise It’s Rape – IOTW Report

(More From the Defective Liberal Brain) You Should Get Consent From a Sex Robot – Otherwise It’s Rape

Sex Robot Brothels are “Rape Training Facilities.”

To combat this, one should be required to get consent from the robot.


Roxanne Price, a sex worker at the legal brothel Sheri’s Ranch in Nevada, argues that brothels with submissive sex robots are sending the wrong signals to men because they “get used to having sex with non-consenting, minimally responsive female-looking objects.” Robot partners will only make men “less social and less able to have quality intimacy with a woman,” Price says. More bluntly, she sees sex robot brothels as “rape training facilities” that could even “increase the possibility that men will commit violent crimes against women.”

Unicole Unicron—yes, that’s her actual name—a self-described “gender non-conforming Pop Star Cult Leader” from Pasadena, California, who hopes to open the world’s first “consent-focused robot brothel,” called Eve’s Robot Dreams, in West Hollywood later this year.

“It’s important that diversity exists within tech and this is no different,” she says. “Eve’s Robot Dreams will provide a fresh experience and it will set the precedent for how we interact with robots. We have the opportunity to be at the international forefront of robot ethics.”


ht/ js

15 Comments on (More From the Defective Liberal Brain) You Should Get Consent From a Sex Robot – Otherwise It’s Rape

  1. …also, we wouldn’t NEED sexy robots if libs didn’t criminalize ACTUAL interactions between the sexes, along with giving us “surprises” like transvestites, transexuals, “gender fluids” like the above “Unicole Unicron”, and just plain nasty ACTUAL women like Hillary…

    …that causes THIS future…


  2. Geee, I wonder if I’ve been abusing my toaster all these years. I mean there I am every morning demanding, no forcing my toaster to burn all these innocent slices of bread as well as bagels and those English muffins! Oh my God, English Muffins! I’m a racist to!
    Yep, taking advice from a hooker on sex robot consent issues is good journalism. Pulitzer’s all around!

  3. …you know, I have another story from my medic days about appliance abuse, but in THIS case the appliance struck BACK….

    We were called to a house for an “unknown type injury with possible entrapment”, and the County dispatch could only tell us it was a panicky young man who only repeated “Im hurt BAD, its GOT me!” hysterically, but would provide no further details. Given the nature and uncertainty of the call, we rolled our Heavy Rescue Unit as well as our Squad as well as Law Enforcement elements, and converged on the scene.

    Once there, we found a young man alone in his house, in his bedroom with a vacuum cleaner, one of the old late 70s ones with metal wands. It seems some friend or other had suggested he could try a thing with it involving insetion of his member, with this young man did. Unfortunately, he did not take into account that a) metal wands have SHARP edges, b) semi-rigid objects inserted in the laminar airflow tend to oscillate, resulting in them violently striking both sides of the enclosure, and c) this makes the semi- rigid object swell if its made of flesh.

    This resulted in him becoming firmly caught in the slim tube, and bloodied by the sharp edges. This ALSO resulted in his being mortified by the large number of men and women we had brought to his aid, as well as the prospect of telling Mom why her vacuum cleaner is missing a wand later. Long story short, wand and boy were taken to the hospital, where they were eternally separated.

    I wasn’t there for Mom’s arrival, unfortunately.

    Not sure whether this was “rape” for the vacuum cleaner – the LEO couldn’t stop laughing long enough to ask him – but I AM sure the young man NEVER tried that again.

    … sure does add a whole new dimension to the definition of the word “beater brush” though doesn’t it…

  4. This why I hate the left, they have to inject their ideology into everything. She probably only saying this because it will hurt her business, the same reason why ugly women are feminists, it’s just jealousy pretending to be ideologie.


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