More Proof That Leftists Can’t Do PSAs – What Does This Even Mean? – IOTW Report

More Proof That Leftists Can’t Do PSAs – What Does This Even Mean?

22 Comments on More Proof That Leftists Can’t Do PSAs – What Does This Even Mean?

  1. Gives new meaning to porking.

    Leftists don’t make public service announcements – they make propaganda at the behest of their crooked handlers looking to continue looting our government.

  2. ???
    I don’t get it, how will meat ruin your sex life?
    Chickens, pigs and cows will just gallop on through your bedroom and sleep between you like a giant pillow or…?
    I’m still not getting it.

  3. In school I wasn’t one of the “cool kids.” My parents opted me out of sex education curriculum that was part of the government schooling I got. Can someone please explain how bringing livestock into the bedroom fits into practicing of the modern concept of a healthy sex life? Some of my friends who did sit through the curriculum filled me with graphic descriptions of some filthy and disgusting practices the person teaching the class said were perfectly normal, but they left out the part barnyard animals play.

  4. I have personally never slept with or wanted to sleep with a chicken. I’ve probably slept with some pigs but I’ve since given up drinking and going to bars. It was probably the poor lighting anyway.🤔


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