Mark Dice- Bush Might’ve Died But the MSM Prefers To Bury Trump – IOTW Report

Mark Dice- Bush Might’ve Died But the MSM Prefers To Bury Trump

5 Comments on Mark Dice- Bush Might’ve Died But the MSM Prefers To Bury Trump

  1. Mark is the best! Aside from a few ancillary tasks, like donning pants, watching his daily video is the first thing I do each day.

    This guy is pretty good too, he’s not a daily producer but the content is great. He caught a lot of flack for using a laugh track on this one, it probably won’t be a thing. I was however rolling at the water buffalos circling horns and sentencing Kid Rock to death by echo location!

  2. Today Matt Bai has a front page article (NOT linking) “musing” on how Trump will be remembered after his death.

    I sure hope Secret Service goes after these scum. Lord knows their employers won’t sanction them.


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