Muslim Punches Woman in the Face and Tells Court That It’s Simply Part of His Culture – IOTW Report

Muslim Punches Woman in the Face and Tells Court That It’s Simply Part of His Culture

The woman he punched is his new girlfriend, his ex-wife’s sister.

The Sun-

Mahmood, of Bradbury Street in Ravensthorpe, was arrested and initially told police that he’d only pushed his partner.

Miss Chapman told magistrates: “He said it was Asian culture, an open hand to the back to the head to shut them up.

“When asked if he’d do anything differently he said ‘no’.”

The Huddersfield court was told that the victim declined to give a statement to police.

Mohammed Arif, mitigating, said that the couple had been together for five months.


So, is this a grand edition to our “multiculturalism” in the west?

16 Comments on Muslim Punches Woman in the Face and Tells Court That It’s Simply Part of His Culture

  1. “The Huddersfield court was told that the victim declined to give a statement to police”.

    Aside from the fact it’s part of their culture, what excuse(s) women from all walks of life who refuse to press charges and leave their abusers? And no, I’m not in anyway victim blaming.

  2. So all those that scream against “a culture of rape” and “misogyny” here is an actual misogynist who, if you examined his culture, you find find very disturbing attitudes towards rape and WHERE ARE YOU?

    Oh, that’s right keep tearing down the foundations of Western Civ. To expand on what Mark Steyn has to say about the fall of the West: I’m a man so if Western Civ falls I’ll just grow my beard out longer and get a few more wives but what will all you gender fluid slut walking feminazis do?

  3. Arrange for him to be tied to a chair. Have a weight lifter or pro boxer come in and
    give him one solid shot to the face.
    Then say that is what it feels llke to a woman, are sole, that is why it is not done in American culture.

  4. Hanging mohammedans is simply “part of my culture.” 😡

    Actually, lining them up, shooting them in the back of the head, burying them face-down, and pouring pigs blood over them (Blackjack Pershing in the Philippines), is part of MY culture! 😀

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