Fellowship Winning Researcher Branded as Racist After Defending Idea of IQ Being Influenced By Genetics – IOTW Report

Fellowship Winning Researcher Branded as Racist After Defending Idea of IQ Being Influenced By Genetics


A postdoctoral researcher in England, Noah Carl, who was awarded a fellowship at a prestigious British university is being targeted as a racist by hundreds of academics after defending an idea: that individual differences in IQ could possibly be genetically influenced.

Quillette points out that one of the signatories to the letter, Professor David Graeber, whom Quilette describes as “the anthropologist and left-wing political activist,” tweeted that Carl was “very creepy ‘race scientist.’”

Quillette writes-

The implication of Professor Graeber’s response, as well as the letter, is that Dr. Carl has linked average differences in intelligence between races to genetic differences, when, in fact, he has stated that a genetic contribution to racial gaps in IQ has not been conclusively demonstrated. Perhaps Professor Graeber is confusing references in Dr. Carl’s work to the fact that individual differences in IQ are genetically influenced (although not genetically determined) with claims about group differences being genetically influenced? The second would be controversial, but the first is one of the most robust, oft replicated findings in all of psychology.


22 Comments on Fellowship Winning Researcher Branded as Racist After Defending Idea of IQ Being Influenced By Genetics

  1. I.Q., intelligence quotient. I’m sure your parents set a baseline. But I’ve seen some natural born dumb fucks grow up and do some pretty cool stuff. I’ll tap out on this one. Although I have a few entertaining stories about this subject matter.

  2. “tap out on this one. Although I have a few entertaining stories about this subject matter.”
    Bring it on,
    wondering minds want to know,,,”
    natural born dumb fucks grow up and do some pretty cool stuff, so true!
    Known a few myself, and they were not ever named Elon or Sigmund.

  3. It never ceases to amaze me. Everyone knows that certain breeds of dogs are much smarter, others much dumber. Everyone accepts that. But they insist that it is impossible for different human ethnicities to show any difference in intelligence.
    Frankly, I think it has a lot to do with environment and focus as well, but every other type of creature is permitted IQ differences and it’s nothing but rhetoric to insist that humans are somehow required to be all the same.

  4. There is no doubt that good genes and parents involvement in early education gives a kid a huge advantage academically. But inspiration, dedication, and perseverance makes a bigger difference as far as adult accomplishments go. The desire to succeed is either in you or it’s not. If it’s there, the sky is the limit. If it is not there all the potential in the world isn’t going to make a success story. And as far as IQ goes, of course being smart helps, but I have a couple friends that can hardly add up the dinner tab that can, through working hard and working honest, can live another 50 years and not worry about money or happiness.

  5. Pffft! Next thing you’re gonna tell me is men and women are different and mature at different rates.

    You know the whole thing about how Asians are smarter?
    Well, when I lived in Asia, my friends went to school during the week AND on Saturdays, for like 3 or 4 hours. On SATURDAYS, y’all! Some of them even went for a month during Summer, too. Not because they were left back, but because the parents said they had do.
    They weren’t all geniuses, but they were all trained to learn useful things, with purpose. A lot of pressure. But it would serve them well in the long run.

    Compare the Asians with the American kids in liberal XXXXX university, who just left their LGBTBBQ class and on the way out they saw something that upset them, so they ran into one of the safe-space teepees, where the other kids are drinking fair-trade fraps, crying about free tampons and birth control, as their handmade alpaca fur sweaters they bought off Etsy are getting stained with reefer smoke… And those are just the males!
    75% of Asians don’t normally have time for that shit. lol

  6. Even these people I consider smart or of high intelligence are tripping their way through life trying to find their way to true conservatism: Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson & Joe Rogan.

  7. These left-wing academicians are nothing more than a modern-day Inquisition … Recant or be Damned !
    Galileo was forced to recant that the earth revolved around the sun, even when it was obvious that he was right. How long did it take for the Church to admit that Galileo was correct — about 360 years !! But these Lefty Loonies know nothing of history.

  8. Genetic influence and “race” don’t even overlap neatly. There’s no single gene that makes one white/black/asian, etc… There’s statistical groupings. But virtually every human gene found in Africa can be found in Asia, and Europe.

  9. Who designed the test for IQ?
    Yeah, that’s what I thought.

    Let the nose-picking, meth-snorting (?), muscatel-swilling, dope-smoking, head-slappers design the test and see who scores highest.

    Intelligence is a gift. The vast majority of peeps (of whatever racial or cultural character) seem to be morons.

    The Klowns who are upset by this research are the same Klowns who get upset at the notion that diligence, perseverance, ingenuity, intuition, and hard work should be rewarded in the marketplace.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. I see some dancing around the issue here. I would call it group norming or worse, virtue signaling. To say there is stratification in median IQ among pure ethnicities (races: caucasoid, mongoloid, negroid) is a positive not normative statement. A fact.

    Re-read Dietrich Bonhoeffer on Stupidity and group norming. Stomp on your ego until it shuts up and absorb what he’s saying. I am caucasoid, it’s okay that the average oriental is smarter than I. Move on.

    What are the implications in our Republic?

    Separating humans in isolated tribes, pitting them against each other in the Greatest Experiment in Self Government in History, is a communist tactic based on this fact. Ignoring consequences of both IQ-Race correlation AND its utility to THE ENEMY will get you killed. Our nation will be destroyed. Your children will be enslaved.


    Hold to the expectation that all humans of any race must behave in a civilized manner. Always.

    Stop being afraid of name-calling by communist vermin, the real subhumans. I can not be shamed by a stinking filthy Marxist insect. Ever.

    Stop immigration immediately from countries where the average IQ is less than 100. We will not have a First World nation with Third World IQ citizens/occupants. Remove all illegal aliens, then reopen controlled and filtered immigration.

    We have Trump, us and the Freedom Caucus against almost the entire world. You up to it?

  11. Trump is only a short-term solution — God-willing, another 6 years of Trump at the helm. He is thwarted at every turn. Even with no obstacles from Congress, MSM, Hollywood, academia — Is that enough time to turn the USS Socialist battleship around?
    Or do these morons have to learn the hard way, but living thru the constant degradations, disappointments and grayness of big-state authoritarianism ?


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