Are Trump Witch Hunters Cool With the Congressional Slush Fund That Pays Hush Money To Women That Could Effect Election Results? – IOTW Report

Are Trump Witch Hunters Cool With the Congressional Slush Fund That Pays Hush Money To Women That Could Effect Election Results?

The fever dreams that Trump will be ousted, arrested, and possibly shot at sundown, for using his own money to make a porn star go away are sadly pathetic.

Does the left want “to go there” and disclose the millions of dollars in taxpayer money that is used on the other Stormy whores who shake down politicians throughout the land?

Okay, let’s do it!!!

After a complete list of all the NDAs is made public, the pols will all be ousted, arrested and put in jail.

(not gonna happen. that’s why this Trump NDA is not going to amount to a Hillary of Beans.)


11 Comments on Are Trump Witch Hunters Cool With the Congressional Slush Fund That Pays Hush Money To Women That Could Effect Election Results?

  1. the left thinks paragon of virtue = politician. However, they dont want preachers or Christians in office either, (see Mike Pence et al) so what is the left left with? Queers, Trannies, brain dead puerto ricans, raging feminists, lesbians, satanists and muslims. Redundant, I know but just stating facts.

  2. At a time when absolutely nothing is kept secret, including names of our espionage agents, defense secrets, etc., isn’t it amazing that the most secure of all of our national secrets is the list of congressional sexual predators.
    There is a list somewhere; let’s pray President Trump already has it.


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