Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal Gains Big Backer But Shows Signs Of Falling Apart – IOTW Report

Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal Gains Big Backer But Shows Signs Of Falling Apart

DC: The so-called Green New Deal gained a big backer Monday after Democratic Rep. Jim McGovern of Massachusetts tossed his support behind the idea to create a committee centered around climate change.

McGovern is propping up the idea first-proposed by Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York and backed by a slew of enthusiastic young environmentalists. However, starting a new committee designed to brainstorm ways of phasing out fossil fuels is facing major hurdles.

“We need real change. We need a select committee. We need a #GreenNewDeal. And we need to work together w/ all @HouseDemocrats Committees to make it work!” McGovern wrote in a tweet Monday. His support also comes as lawmakers consider how the Green New Deal will affect older committees.

McGovern, the incoming House Rules Committee chair, also must haggle with the group propelling the deal. Reports show more than 140 young activists were arrested in demonstrations on Capitol Hill where they targeted the offices of House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi.

It’s unclear exactly how the Select Committee for a Green New Deal would function. Some veteran Democrats are criticizing the idea, calling it unnecessary given the existence of other committees designed to take on global warming.

“We’re saying this select committee can come up with ideas, but it will go through the committees of jurisdiction. There’s nothing wrong with that, this is how this process works,” incoming Energy and Commerce Chairman Frank Pallone of New Jersey told demonstrators on Capitol Hill Monday.

Meanwhile, Ocasio-Cortez is describing her fight against climate change as a Trojan horse for pushing social justice issues.  MORE

13 Comments on Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal Gains Big Backer But Shows Signs Of Falling Apart

  1. Why are we seeing so much of this idiot on IOTW REPORT? Face it. The twat is going to be in government until she’s Nancy Pelosi’s age ,or longer .
    Nothing is going to change. Watch her become richer than the Clintons. It’s the American way. Suckers!

  2. You’re a green one, Ms. Grinch. Does she even know what’s been going on in France? Her timing is impeccably idiotic. Why do people keep sharing stories of her? Because it is entertaining and the MSM refuses to report on both her brain farts and what has been happening in France and the impact on their leadership, president Macron.

  3. “We need real change. We need a select committee. We need a #GreenNewDeal. And we need to work together w/ all @HouseDemocrats Committees to make it work!”

    First, you need some engineers and their techs to tell you how full of shit you really are. You need to be taught how an energy grid comprised of electrical generation and all that comprises from prime movers to transmission components actually operates. Latencies, fail overs, load shedding, base loads and abnormal operating conditions.

    What’s that, you say? I don’t need to know all that to impose laws and regulations? If you don’t bother to know, yourself, as a legislator, and just hand off the ‘details’ to a sub agency that does regulations, fuck you.

    Because you are imposing conditions on a critical subject you know nothing about.

  4. would be a lot cheaper to just put a suggestion box outside McGovern’s office, to where the “world’s smartest people” could submit ideas on how to change the weather through taxation.

  5. “Meanwhile, Ocasio-Cortez is describing her fight against climate change as a Trojan horse for pushing social justice issues.”

    Holy smoke! The democrat leadership needs to have a sit down with her and ‘splain things. She actually gave away the game.

  6. If you don’t want to hear about this do-do or the rest o ’em for the next (too) many years, get involved in your local Trumplican/GOP group. There will be a group of Trump Republicans who are working their a$$es off, day in and day out, looking for candidates to primary these goofballs. Do it soon. Do it now –way before the next elections are upon us. It takes a lot of shoe leather and telephone patience to secure name recognition for your candidate. Then GOTV bigly. This is how the Democrats have been winning elections for years.

  7. “If you don’t want to hear about this do-do or the rest o ’em for the next (too) many years, get involved in your local Trumplican/GOP group.”

    I think it’d be easier for their ‘found ballot’ workers to be found beheaded and eviscerated in a local waste treatment plant on a regular basis. The word would probably get out. Twitter being what it is and all.

    Just a musing, mind, not offering direction.

  8. If the GOP doesn’t have the balls or the will to contest voter fraud and other electoral crimes, no one is going to do it for them. There should be 75 lawsuits in CA right now. Where’s the CAGOP?

    Much like the NVGOP, they’re not answering phone calls or emails.

  9. @Lowell December 11, 2018 at 7:51 pm

    > you need some engineers and their techs

    As long as they are non-male persons of color, they are welcome to participate.

    In this year’s America, how hard can that be to find?

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