Trump takes parting shot at Weekly Standard and its never-Trump editor Bill Kristol – IOTW Report

Trump takes parting shot at Weekly Standard and its never-Trump editor Bill Kristol

WaTimes: President Trump on Saturday celebrated the demise of conservative news magazine The Weekly Standard, a diehard voice of the never-Trump movement that will publish its last issue next week.

“The pathetic and dishonest Weekly Standard, run by failed prognosticator Bill Kristol (who, like many others, never had a clue), is flat broke and out of business. Too bad. May it rest in peace!” tweeted the president.

Clarity Media Group, which publishes The Weekly Standard, announced Friday that it was shuttering the one-time heavyweight of conservative political news and commentary.  read more

31 Comments on Trump takes parting shot at Weekly Standard and its never-Trump editor Bill Kristol

  1. Such a shame when even the “conservative” sites refuse to understand the bottom line of capitalism.
    Give your customers what they want, not what you want to spoon feed them.
    You may think your mouse trap is better. If nobody is buying it, is it really, are you delusional?

  2. Such a shame when even the “conservative” sites refuse to understand the bottom line of capitalism.
    Very true all though when the childish “conservative” and “liberal” pissing match that has only been presented as “good” vs “bad” for pocket lining scum such that politicians have always been. Add in dumb non-caring uneducated voters for their ‘party” line only votes, overly public funded schools and the MSM.
    Love it’s finally being called out for what it is and now to be properly underfunded.
    MAGA Trump!
    You magnificent bastard!

  3. My, what a fat head Bill Kristol has. He looks like a swollen tick that’s about ready to pop. And I used to respect him, not any more, can’t these never Trumpers just get over the fact that Trump won and there’s nothing they can do about it except to bitch and moan and groan that hellary lost and it’s not fair. Boo effin hoo, sorry Bill you and the rest of the snotty, hoity toity, effeminate, elitist, self righteous prigs and twits and snobs are totally irrelevant now and good riddance to bad neo con trash.

  4. The real tragedy is that former media heavyweights (no pun intended) like Kristol could have been — should have been — able to see the forest for the trees, and used their considerable reputations, their clout, for the good of the country and their fellow Americans. Instead, it was all for naught and a loss to themselves and to the conservative cause.

  5. Kristol could have been — should have been — able to see the forest for the trees, and used their considerable reputations, their clout, for the good of the country and their fellow Americans.
    AA absolutely agree before an individuals’ personal financials and the availability of the 24/7 cable news network made them sell themselves out and their fellow Americans which I believe they had the best intentions for. I personally liked the early take from Kristol,,, but to me it became quite obvious he took the money and ran.

  6. Kristol took the big gamble that apposing Trump would bring more popularity to his enterprise. He thought he would ride the gathering waves that he viewed would bring Trump under. Big miscalculation!

  7. Bill Kristol coudda ben a contener….

    Instead, he is now a fat, pompous, buffoon whose shelf life expired about a decade ago.

    Unbelievably he will only be 66 yrs old, next week. …..Lady in Red

  8. I stopped subscribing to the Weekly Standard when they uncritically supported Bush 43 on everything, including the bone-headed big government intrusion of No Child Left Behind.

  9. He’s like “Judge” Andrew Napolitano. Who is Napolitano rooting for anyway?! He’s obviously anti-POTUS Trump. What good does it do conservatives that he uses his air time bashing our side?

    (Is anyone else here sick of that ridiculous phony laugh of his?)

  10. So this “conservative” publication couldn’t even make a buck during a Republican presidency, which should be it’s hayday.

    Nope. Shutting down. Who’s going to buy it? Liberals? No. Pissed off Republicans? No.

    Shut it down idiots!

  11. Whether it’s conservative magazines, liberal ones, PACs, organizations like the NRA or what have you, all of those places traditionally fare better financially when they are in the minority.

    People who succeed aren’t as likely to donate when they are in power. Being out of power motivates them to give until it hurts.

    But the Weekly Standards and, to some extent, National Review never went all out against Obama. And staked their claims against Trump long after the fight was won. So who is your audience exactly?

    Do that many people want to see the stage performers throwing oily mackerels down Jonah Goldberg’s gullet as he lies sunning his belly pool side on an NRO Cruise?

    Performer: Alright, Jonah – give us some alliteration.
    Jonah: *arf, arf* The Kantian categorical imperative of todays conservative iconoclasts… *arf, arf*
    Performer: Good boy. *tosses mackerel* Now throw in some obscure pop cultural reference that only a Simpsons viewer from 25 years ago would get.


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