Gun Confiscation Begins in New Jersey – IOTW Report

Gun Confiscation Begins in New Jersey

AT: President Obama and President Trump were both right, Obama when he told us elections have consequences and Trump in his 2018 stump speech that a consequence of Democrat victories would be renewed attacks on the Second Amendment. New Jersey’s ban on high-capacity magazines has been upheld by a federal court, opening the door to door knock gun confiscation and making off-duty police officers subject to criminal prosecution. The inmates are officially running the asylum.

This law is one of those “sensible restrictions” on gun ownership that liberals like to talk about but that criminals will ignore as the judge who ruled the law constitutional says that despite the asterisk put next to the Second Amendment by the court assures us there is nothing to worry about:

The law, signed by Gov. Phil Murphy in June along with five other new gun laws, gave New Jersey gun owners who currently possess the magazines in question 180 days to either surrender them, permanently modify them to only accept up to 10 rounds, or transfer them to somebody who is allowed to legally own them. The deadline is set to expire on Monday.

A lawsuit brought by the Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs and supported by the National Rifle Association failed on Thursday as the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals declared the confiscation law constitutional. Any civilian caught in possession of a magazine capable of holding more than 10 rounds may be arrested and prosecuted. Possession of such magazines after the deadline will be considered a crime of the fourth degree under state law and carry up to 18 months in prison and up to $10,000 in fines or both.

Nearly all modern full-size or compact handguns and rifles sold in the United States come standard with magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition…

Judge Patty Shwartz, an Obama appointee, wrote for the majority that the law serves a legitimate public safety purpose…

“Today we address whether one of New Jersey’s responses to the rise in active and mass shooting incidents in the United States — a law that limits the amount of ammunition that may be held in a single firearm magazine to no more than ten rounds — violates the Second Amendment, the Fifth Amendment’s Takings Clause, and the Fourteenth Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause,” she wrote. “We conclude that it does not. New Jersey’s law reasonably fits the State’s interest in public safety and does not unconstitutionally burden the Second Amendment’s right to self-defense in the home. The law also does not violate the Fifth Amendment’s Takings Clause because it does not require gun owners to surrender their magazines but instead allows them to retain modified magazines or register firearms that have magazines that cannot be modified. Finally, because retired law enforcement officers have training and experience that makes them different from ordinary citizens, the law’s exemption that permits them to possess magazines that can hold more than ten rounds does not violate the Fourteenth Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause.”

That’s not the opinion of Bergen County Prosecutor Dennis Calo, who warns that even police officers have become instant felons under the new law:


h/t Forcibly Deranged.

31 Comments on Gun Confiscation Begins in New Jersey

  1. I’ve read several reports that the amount of HiCap mags that have been turned in, state wide is ZERO. It seems to me they’ve done a really good job of uniting the people that are suppose to enforce the laws with your average gun owner. More popcorn please.

  2. “When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds …
    has effected to render the [Police] independent of and superior to the Civil power [which is the people].”

    By their disarmament and de facto subjection.

    Goodbye, New Jersey!

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. PS
    We’ve had the “HiCap” magazine ban for sometime now in California. And to this day, the bad guys always have them, and the good guys don’t. Me, I just carry more mags.

  4. The answer seems simple, but not easy.

    Shoot the offender who’s following illegal orders upon attempted confiscation.

    That applies to every patriotic person remaining in the former USA. It goes for every state.

    There, I said it.

    In defense of liberty. It was the reason for the 2nd Amendment in the first place.

  5. “Possession of such magazines after the deadline will be considered a crime of the fourth degree under state law and carry up to 18 months in prison and up to $10,000 in fines or both”

    Correction: Up to murdering you in your home during a no knock raid at 4 in the morning.

    Having a 10 round mag = ok
    Having an 11 round mag = 18 months and/or $10k?

    How is that even remotely not an 8th Amendment violation for a non-violent offense?

    Oh, yea. Chris Christie / Cory Booker / T-Bone / Snookie country.

  6. It won’t stop in NJ.

    Eliminate communist insects from positions of authority and power, or be prepared for persecution, torture, savagery and death.

    Line In The Sand has been crossed.

  7. “Pretty sure I can jam in more than 10 rounds of 22 in a 6 round 45 mag.

    “And I also don’t doubt some judge somewhere will agree.”

    Holy cow, good point. They’d actually try it.

  8. @TSUNAMI December 17, 2018 at 1:45 pm

    > Shoot the offender who’s following illegal orders upon attempted confiscation.

    You know, I saw that strategery on a PBS documentary (Ken Burns, Sonny Tzu, Garrison Keillor, can’t remember who directed it). Those Great War vets said the only way they won The War to End All Wars, was with their principles. When they saw the enemy in their trenches, they’d straighten their bowties, and wait for an opportunity to offer the interloper the opportunity to surrender. It kept the rows between the trenches peaceful, orderly, and lawful. Oh, and they sang winter-time songs. And played soccer, together.

  9. For those that think they will just carry more mags, FYI, it is next to impossible to get a carry license of any type in NJ. It’s even harder than NYC some folks say.

  10. Old book titled Unintended Consequences by John Ross. Target the Judges, lawmakers who made and upheld these laws. Also target the high ranking LEOs who order the rank and file out but stay out of danger. Just thinking. Lexington and Concord were gun grabs too, how did that work out for the grabbers?

  11. @Wiredog1837 – Unintended Consequences is one of my ten favorite books. Just a couple of weeks ago I finished re-reading it for, I think, the fourth time. I find it both satisfying and inspiring.

    Side note: I’ve got a 1st edition but the darn thing is so heavy I’ve now got a .pdf I read on my computer or phone.


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