Tough Words From Coulter Warning The President – No Wall, No Second Term – IOTW Report

Tough Words From Coulter Warning The President – No Wall, No Second Term


It’s not as if a majority of his voters weren’t clear-eyed about what kind of man he is. If anything, Trump’s vulgar narcissism made his vow to build a wall more believable. Respectable politicians had made similar promises over the years — and they always betrayed the voters. Maybe it took a sociopath to ignore elite opinion and keep his word.

On the basis of his self-interest alone, he must know that if he doesn’t build the wall, he has zero chance of being re-elected and a 100 percent chance of being utterly humiliated.

…why not choose a battleground where he’s guaranteed a win? If Trump used the military to build the wall — actually build it, not keep telling us he’s going to build it — the Democrats will go mad.

They’ll hold impeachment hearings, file a million lawsuits, produce weeping children reading from phony scripts written by immigrant rights groups — and Trump will win. The public will support Trump overwhelmingly, and the left will be forced to keep reminding voters why they hate Democrats.

51 Comments on Tough Words From Coulter Warning The President – No Wall, No Second Term

  1. The promise of the wall and border security was what got him elected. However I think a healthy dose of outrage should be to Ryan and McConnell et al. They had 2 years and they didn’t support Trump on the wall, healthcare repeals etc. They aren’t Republicans, they are uniparty globalists owned by the lobbyists in DC. And now everyone knows and sees Trump is an island unto himself.

  2. No Wall/No Second Term/No Shit!

    He has wiggle room in other areas, not on this issue. That weasel Ryan was in the back rooms ratfucking him on this and you know it as well as I know it.

  3. I posted this yesterday. If you follow Trumps tactics, it’s not uncommon to see Trump go hard right, soften, and then come down with both feet. Looks like Trumps going to shut down the Government.
    I wonder how easy Coulter and crowd thought it would be getting this wall built. Apparently she’s under the impression he could get this approved and fund it all by himself. She pisses me off.

  4. He had better stand up now. These things have a way of gaining rapid momentum either way he goes.

    We’ve finally gotten rid of one slimy piece of sh#t {Ryan} and one more to go {McConnell} things will improve if the president remains resolute. The majority of the country is behind him and the time is now!

  5. President Trump has been battling (for us – America) all the combined forces of hatred, dissolution, and Globaloney – the nihilistic totalitarians of the Demonrat Partei, their lick-spittle succubuses the RINOs, the Medea, Academia, the lazy, the race-hustlers, the poverty-pimps, the illegal-alien invading encouragers, Wall Street, Madison Avenue, Hollyweird, the Mentally Deficient, the Neurotically Corrupt, and the inertia of a well-fed populace.

    The RINO traitors, under the leaderships of McConnell and Ryan, are the only reason we still have no wall and are saddled with ObolaCare.

    Just the facts, ma’am.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Trump needs to make it clear once and for all that the GOP is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Left. Lots of people are finally figuring that out but he needs to say it.

    What are they gonna do, not support him?

  7. This is a campaign promise that he needs to fulfill, something he has done better than any other President I can remember, but more than just some campaign promise it is a mandate from the American people. That’s why there is so much weight behind it and so much riding on it! I think that is the real message that needs to be driven home to the GOP. We expect the democRATs to give the finger to the American people, but not the GOP! They need to listen to the American people, not pander to Mexicans in hopes for their votes!

  8. If actually fought for the wall, and not just a throwdown in the oval office with Pelosi and Schumer, but if also fought and battled with the GOP leadership and put pressure on them.

    It feels like the Oval Office thing was for show, so that he could say I battled and fought for the wall. If the wall is a real concern and issue of his then he should be going after McConnell and Ryan and pressuring the GOP just as much.

    He hasn’t. So McConnell is driving the ship and doesn’t want the fight and is willing to punt till the new democrat house comes in. So if Trump doesn’t fight now he will most definitely not have a wall by 2020. Then why trust him with our vote again in 2020?

    Our side has all the winning arguments. This is our issue and Trump, McConnell, and Ryan are bowing at the feet of the dems. That tells me none of them care about having a wall.
    It’s pathetic.

    1st Boehner says we only have 1/2 or 1/3 of a branch and can’t do anything. We give the GOP the WH, Senate, House and the only good has been tax cuts and SCOTUS.

  9. Wow….I didn’t know Ann Coulter’s one vote carried so much weight.

    She must be very special to be a clueless pundit who can call the election 2 years before it happens.

    I suppose she’ll just support chris crispy from new jersey in 2020, he’s a real heavyweight.

  10. I don’t blame Trump for this. He’s fighting the democrats and 95% of republicans who don’t want the wall. But I do think it’s time for him to drop the hammer. Let the dems hang themselves on this issue. Illegal immigration is a winning issue for the GOP. No reason not to go the mats here

  11. I only blame Trump for the appearance of caving. He needs to make a national address to rally the troops and to let the opposition know he is NOT caving or backing down! I guarantee a 10 point jump in approval numbers if he does.

  12. yeah……let’s just throw everything in the trash, that he’s accomplished the past 2 years. Let’s go back to Obama style, let democrat/socialists stomp us into the dirt and show Trump we don’t appreciate that he didn’t get a 2,000 mile wall built as fast as we wanted it.
    You don’t like the wall not getting built?? Then why not take your friends and guns down to the border and keep the illegal invaders out yourself?? You have a Constitutional Right to do that. oh yeah..silly me….you’re only a badass sitting at a keyboard.

  13. A good judge of a con artist is his ability to have the people he’s conned create excuses for his inability to deliver. Trump did say last September that he would not sign another funding bill that didn’t deliver. Let’s see what he does with this latest CR before we light the torches and storm the White House.

  14. Trump told Ryan this morning that he won’t sign the budget without the wall funding. Then he told him he was leaving for Mar A Lago for 16 days. The Libtards, on both sides, are not happy.

  15. Trump has got this. He is refusing to sign the budget bill, because it has no spending for the Wall. President Trump should up the ante and ask for 10 billion.

    BTW, The RINOs who thought they escaped a decision about the Wall by going home for “holiday break” will be hauling a** back to Washington to support the president, if they know what’s good for them.

  16. Today, Trump flipped…he will not sign the bill without wall funding. As Ann Coulter tweeted: It’s the first successful spine transplant in history.

    He’s gotta do it now, and not a moment to lose. No wall = no votes = no second term for Trump.

  17. @Mark McGrew

    For most of us, it is not our job to keep out illegals. It’s the government’s job and it’s why we voted for Trump. As the law is now, we can’t legally form bands of armed militia and go down to the border and start indiscriminantly shooting at illegals. Even border agents can get in trouble for that, depending on the circumstances. Even if the border patrol left the area, we would need some kind of legal basis for forming this kind of militia, which would in effect replace the National Guard.

    What’re you smoking?

  18. What she said was MUCH WORSE than that.
    Trump was right in UNfollowing her on twatter.

    (NOT saying I disagree with her general point…that Trump has to show REAL RESULTS on issues THE AVERAGE JOE comprehends…NOT just his significant – to those of us who follow politics – achievements).

  19. Lol!

    To the ones that think Trump caved… Has he ever showed that trait? Ever? I mean it… seriously?

    You fell hook, line, and sinker to the talking heads that just jabber bullshit and have nothing at stake. Oh, woe is me.

    I’ll wait until the fight has been played out before making a judgement.

    I don’t think Ann has ever ran for an elected office… But she’s good at telling us how it should be done. Pfffttt!!

  20. Yeah McGrew, the only keyboard badass I see here is you with your inane, simplistic remarks. I worked for thirty years trying to keep illegal invaders out of our country and my informed opinion is that the Gov’t of the five administrations during this time simply did not care or were serious about the detrimental effects of illegal immigration and weak border security on every facet of our society. I thought things would change after 9/11 but good ole W just managed to create a weak, monstrous bureaucracy with his agency reorganization plans. Believe me, a wall along with the other elements of a secure border, is the single most effective action for this nation to regain its sovereignty. Bottom line: SCREW Pres. Trump’s other accomplishments so far! They will mean nothing if the wall doesn’t get built and the disintegration of our nation continues by uncontrolled immigration. Trump needs to follow through on this NOW, come hell or high water! Basta!

  21. Wow, who lit the fuse on Ann’s tampon? I can kinda see see Coulter’s point if I squint really hard but I always keep in mind what Trump is constantly fighting just to keep going and it is down right staggering. NO OTHER MAN could have shouldered this load virtually alone and accomplished what he has (with GOD’S help of course). She needs to chill out with ultimatums. She needs to turn that Vitriol on the RINOS and Dems, it would rally the base far more than trying to crucify Trump.

  22. TO michellesbeaver

    Ann’s technique is to PROVOKE. not bad, often effective…and she’s a MASTER of the technique. She’s just trying to burn his A$$..lovingly.


    It wouldn’t surprise me if she “went ballistic” to send the clear and unequivocal message that Trump needs to stand strong on this…which it seems – as of this post – he will.

    Hyperbole is sort of the “dialect”* of New York City…and both she and Trump are well-versed in the “language.”

    *“You talkin’ to ME?!?” “Wass-it-to-ya?!?” and so on…

  23. No offense but Trump lost me when he banned “Bump-stocks” and made 502k citizens who voted for him Felons..and Who needs a stinking wall when dropping landmines would be cheaper! Hell if we Irradiated a large portion of Mexico just N. of Mexico Shitty we wouldn’t need a wall or landmines!

  24. For those that chastise guys like me that would blow a gasket on a perceived cave on something as important as The Wall. It’s our job as an informed, inspired citizen to say what we think is right or wrong. I don’t think Trump is the kind of guy that wets his finger, sticks it in the air to see which way the wind blows, but I bet he’s the type of guy that appreciates passion among his base. If we all sat back on our nutsack thinking Trump is doing our work for us he would lose some of the passion himself. For me, I’ll continue to blow a gasket, even if it’s just for show.

  25. Ann is absolutely correct in her last column, as she is in all of them. She kicked Trump in the ass, he felt it and changed his tune. When the wall gets built, it will be Ann Coulter’s victory.

    The bruise on his butt and ego will start to heal when he starts construction on the wall.

  26. Yes, Q-who. The wall(border security) is all that matters at this point in time. Period! Everything else is incidental. There is no greater priority and it is the one all encompassing issue that will decide the future of this nation. It might already be too late to recover from the insidious effects of this disaster that should have been dealt with decades ago. For God sakes, we have non-citizens affecting our nation’s policies and lives. We have hordes of criminals invading our soil every day. Billions of dollars wasted and our national identity being eroded…Trump needs to go scorched earth on this! I know I’m being redundant but Coulter has been in the trenches for many years on this issue, she’made her bones and deserves to be heard!

  27. Figlio

    Just curious, what the fxck do you do for a living? ECONOMY number one. He’s fixed that. If you and Ann Coulter think he can get that border wall done by snapping his finger you’re sadly mistaken and need to take a refresher course in the different branches of the Government, AND WHO APPROPRIATES MONEY.
    Fuck Coulter. And Im really tired of those dip shits on Western Rifle Shooter posting everything Mrs Dynamite farts. Actually read Jimmies shit. He makes more sense than her.

  28. @Dave Huff

    Ann has been writing hit pieces on RINOS and liberals for a couple of decades. She does a ton for conservatism. What do you expect her to do, personally go down to the border and shoot the invaders?

    She is simply the best and truest conservative columnist we have in the country.

    Get real.

  29. @grool

    We all should be spooked over the non-Wall. Most of us voted for him because of that promise. He’s had 2 years to snap his fingers and finally did it yesterday. There’s a liberal majority coming up in house, so he’d better keep snapping his fingers and quit fooling around.

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