Claire McCaskill: I hope Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez knows parts of the US reject the Democratic Party – IOTW Report

Claire McCaskill: I hope Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez knows parts of the US reject the Democratic Party

WaExaminer: Outgoing Sen. Claire McCaskill says she’s unsure why Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., has become so popular among Democrats.

But the Missouri Democrat has some advice for the young rising liberal star.

In an interview with CNN, McCaskill admitted, “I’m a little confused why she’s the thing,” after admitting she didn’t know Ocasio-Cortez when asked if the self-proclaimed democratic socialist was a “crazy Democrat” like the ones she warned about during the 2018 campaign trail. McCaskill did say the 29-year-old was a “good example” of a “bright shiny new object” that came out of nowhere and surprised people when she beat a very experienced congressman.

Ocasio-Cortez defeated Democratic incumbent Rep. Joe Crowley in June during the primary race. She then beat her Republican opponent Anthony Pappas in the general election and will represent New York’s 14th Congressional District in the next Congress. Among her top priorities are climate change, income inequality, and ending “school-to-prison pipelines.”

Despite her uncertainty about Ocasio-Cortez’s appeal, McCaskill, who lost her re-election bid to Republican Josh Hawley last month, wished Ocasio-Cortez success.  more here

6 Comments on Claire McCaskill: I hope Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez knows parts of the US reject the Democratic Party

  1. Oh Claire, I hope you also know parts of the US reject the stupid. Sometimes we are successful at putting it into effect. Take yourself as one example.

    You might be surprised to learn a lot of us know it wasn’t the Germans that bombed Pearl Harbor, it was the Japanese, and it wasn’t the Nazis that built the Berlin Wall, it was the Soviet communist. Us rejectors of stupid aren’t prejudice we reject ; stupid, socialist and communists with equal contempt. We’re real pleased when we’re successful keeping them out of elected office. Your recent loss, no rejection triggered a lot of smiles. Now go away.

  2. Ocasio-Cortez is rapidly mastering the art of the spin. A tweet that edits a comment down to “call me a “thing” and “shiny object” is cheap. Sen. McCaskill was conveying her sense of the freshman Congresswoman’s win as the new phenomenon in U.S politics- “the new thing.”

    But this is a continuation of “the girl from the Bronx” stretching the truth to fit her purposes. She did not grow up in “The Bronx” – as we ex-40th Precinct residents experienced it. She spent her first five years in a planned community in Parkchester, moved to Yorktown Heights in Westchester, then off to Boston. No suffering through P.S. 65 or St. Luke’s Parochial for this little girl. Or getting groped as a teen on the packed No. 2, 4 or 5 Trains.

    We’ve gotten used to politicians claiming they dodged sniper fire in Bosnia, “served in Vietnam”, “never had sex” with anyone they shouldn’t have, or was hiking the Appalachian Trail. Ocasio-Cortez has great potential for joining their ranks.

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