Ben Bergquam Objects To Gavin Newsom Taking Oath To Uphold the Constitution at His Inauguration – IOTW Report

Ben Bergquam Objects To Gavin Newsom Taking Oath To Uphold the Constitution at His Inauguration

Bergquam’s point is that Newsom has already violated the constitution.

Source- Anonymous Conservative

7 Comments on Ben Bergquam Objects To Gavin Newsom Taking Oath To Uphold the Constitution at His Inauguration

  1. I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States. . .

  2. Like their spiritual leader Ruth Bader Ginsburg, those on the left consider the constitution a dated and arcane document that no longer applies to modern governance. They feel free to do as they please unchallenged and so far thats just whats been happening. We have way too many americans that remain unengaged, allowing these reptiles to continue our destruction.

  3. We’re all familiar with the adage that “history repeats itself”. It is with that that I find myself more and more expecting the repeat of the “Shot Heard Round the World”.

  4. This guy is a HERO
    Also in the same state:

    I woke up this morning, listening to a news report about california’s proposed legislation to ban printed receipts Receipts would be banned, similar to anti-straw laws.. It sounded like they were selling it. The new law would require a fine for offenders, but would be eased in over time to minimize immediate impact. To ease reception and implementation of the proposed law, it was explained that the first two offenses would be written warnings.
    They will give a receipt for violating the anti-receipt law.
    Heaven help us.


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