High School Debaters Are Disqualified For Quoting “Racists” Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson and Sam Harris – IOTW Report

High School Debaters Are Disqualified For Quoting “Racists” Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson and Sam Harris

Michael Moreno on Reddit-

(The link to his video can be found HERE. I would recommend skipping to the 4:30 mark.)

My partner and I do Policy Debate and recently competed in the Arizona State Invitational debate tournament. The debate topic was “Resolved: The United States Federal Government should substantially reduce restrictions on legal immigration”

In policy debate, the affirmative proposes a plan which falls under the resolution, and the negative rejects it. For example, many affirmatives remove the per-country limits on immigration. My partner and I were assigned the negative position, but our opponents did not read a plan. Instead, they performed a slam poem about citizenship and dehumanization.

In response, we argued that they weren’t actually an affirmative because they did not advocate a plan for the resolution, and that their strategy was unfair to negative positions.

They then argued we could not talk about fairness because we were white males and had “caucasity”.

In response, we read a critique against identity politics utilizing quotes from Sam Harris, Ben Shapiro, and Jordan Peterson. We argue that our identity as white males shouldn’t matter in the round; that our race and gender have nothing to do with what’s right and wrong; That we should instead regard people as individuals. The judge then ends the round and disqualifies for making “racist and violent” arguments endorsed by “white supremacists.”

The debate space is a leftist echo chamber and it must be exposed. I first attempted to bring this to light on r/debate, but was met with an overwhelmingly negative response, and the post was eventually removed by the moderators. Hard to imagine a better way for them to prove my point. https://www.reddit.com/r/Debate/comments/aeq7k5/the_debate_space_is_a_leftist_echo_chamber_that/
You can see my removed post athttps://www.removeddit.com/r/Debate/comments/aeq7k5/the_debate_space_is_a_leftist_echo_chamber_that/?st=JQVYA7II&sh=af0be80c

I’ve tweeted this to Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson. Any retweets and or additional tweets @ them to bring this to light would be greatly appreciated. https://twitter.com/Michaelmoreno2k/status/1084649832633909248


The aim of this video is not to attack anyone, but rather to expose a debate space which actively shuts down ideas and free speech. Intellectual diversity is what makes debate not only possible, but worthwhile.

Debaters should judged by their argumentation, not by their adherence to political correctness, hyper-leftism, or whatever other ideological possession their judge may have.  – Michael Moreno


The video is depressing. The state of academia seems to be endorsing the statement, “you’re white, therefore you are racist. Your denials that you are racist are racist and it simply exhibits more of your audacious white privilege. It’s best that you just STFU and get in the back of the bus, we’re running the show, thank you.”


This was infuriating to watch. Not you Michael but your opponents and the judge. How are you supposed to not say something racist/hateful when nearly everything is racist nowadays? Disagreeing with them and providing facts is racist, unbelievable.
Ben Shapiro: Top Jewish neo-nazi.
“the lesson to learn is to be more cautious… to safeguard yourself, shy away from [those factual arguments that violate their perceived safe spaces]” This is Orwellian.
I debate on the British Parliamentary circuit in college and I can affirm that these biases and racist leftist narratives have absolutely taken over the debate space. Horrible to see and it saddens me.
“That is racist” “That is not racist” “You can’t say that because you’re white” O RLY!? Man, the irony here is palpable. Those idiots have no idea what you’re even trying to say. Telling someone what they can do based on the color of their skin, uh, yeah that’s pretty racist lol. It blows my mind that these people actually exist. EDIT: Having to end this early. Can’t handle it anymore, so much hypocrisy in that room it’s unbelievable. I truly truly believe that these leftists would vote to have all white people killed – that is how out of control they are.

29 Comments on High School Debaters Are Disqualified For Quoting “Racists” Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson and Sam Harris

  1. “our opponents did not read a plan. Instead, they performed a slam poem about citizenship and dehumanization.”

    Disqualification should have ended the debate right there.

    But to allow it to go to the skin color of your opponents is when racism entered the fray. Should have also been a disqualification there. When I was in high school, there were strict rules for debate competitions.

  2. In order to allow POC to win debates, all the old rules had to be thrown out. Now they don’t have to even address the proposed resolution, but instead are allowed to recite poetry, and dance hip hop. And they “win” the debates because the lunatics running the asylum are afraid that they, too will be called racists.

  3. “…They then argued we could not talk about fairness because we were white males and had “caucasity”.”

    That is not a debate, it is a prejudiced ambush.
    In a debate, even hitler should be able to be quoted. A fool he would be who would do so, but the debaters get to determine the nature of their presentation of the argument.
    Let me take a wild guess- evergreen college? Or harvard? Gotta be one of those two.

  4. What school district was this debate held in? I ask because in a majority progressive district you could just image what would happen to any debate official who actually allowed facts and substance to intrude on the identity reaffirmation struggle session.

  5. Mind control, group-think, brainwashing, indoctrination… call it what you want, but the last thing it allows is free thinking and debate. Once again the “Tolerant Left” demonstrates its Totalitarian demands.

  6. Here is the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) for the federal Department of Education. They should file a complaint with this office. https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/know.html?src=ft

    “Know Your Rights”

    “OCR enforces several Federal civil rights laws that prohibit discrimination in programs or activities that receive Federal funds from the Department of Education. These laws prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, and national origin, sex, disability, and on the basis of age. These laws extend to all state education agencies, elementary and secondary school systems, colleges and universities, vocational schools, proprietary schools, state vocational rehabilitation agencies, libraries, and museums that receive U.S. Department of Education funds.”

    Sue the bastards!

  7. …and so they should be; quoting people from the “Intellectual Dork Web” is telling enough, especially the self admitted liar, Jordan B. Peterson. Never mind Ben “The Littlest Chickenhawk” Shapiro, and Sam “Atheist I Am” Harris.

    Cut. The. Ship.

    Globalist Trots all.

  8. The team should argue with the judge that the topic itself was racist and assigning white males to argue the negative reinforced negative stereotypes. Then demand that the judge step down. Then sit down.

  9. ANTI WHITES demand ‘Diversity’, mass immigration, open borders – for Whites ONLY!
    This are not required of ANY non white peoples ANYWHERE!
    “Diversity is a strength” means “White people are a weakness”
    It’s White GENO cide

    – STOP Torture and Murder of Whites in South Africa –

  10. I coached high school policy and LD debate for many years. It was the school activity that promoted free speech and the marketplace of ideas. How sad that it has been infiltrated by the PC crowd. Don’t back down guys, stand your ground!

  11. The Solution to being called a Racist is to start addressing these people as a Color or a Genital part. I’m sorry what did you say Black Communist Vagina? Oh so Sorry Brown Socialist Penis. For those of you Mentally Retarded I will speak Slowly so that your Sub 80 IQ can keep up is that all right Pussy Hat Lesbian White Vagina? Fuck Them!

  12. When you cannot argue your point you either concede, or take it to the next level. They act as though they want to escalate, but they really do not want to find out what else white people do very well.

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