Teen Vogue: Cortez shares her beauty secrets so you can all “get that congressional glow” – IOTW Report

Teen Vogue: Cortez shares her beauty secrets so you can all “get that congressional glow”

Teen Vogue has the story, but Yahoo! News shares it with the world. “So there you have it: Not only is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez showing young people that they can run for office and make a difference in government, she’s also helping us all get that congressional glow.”


39 Comments on Teen Vogue: Cortez shares her beauty secrets so you can all “get that congressional glow”

  1. Who knew women were deficient in basic facial cleansing techniques?
    Breathlessly awaiting her plugs or pads guidance.

    You knew this is where this was going with the boxers or briefs q.

  2. Never have I been as captivated by cinder block stupidity and shallowness as I have been smitten by this musing mistress of all things millenially.

    I want to find an old Teddy Ruxpin bear just to see her argue with it.

  3. Gee Wally, this Absurdly Obnoxious Cunt is an expert on every thing.
    The sad part is some stupid people are going to believe her shit.
    I have never seen so much ignorance wrapped up in one package.
    I fail to understand how she even found Washington, DC much less got elected to congress.

  4. Her ‘beauty’ secret? – She’s 29, and has never held a job, other than a bartender. Young age, and zero no responsibilities and ridiculous adulatuon = youthful glow.

    Now that she’s in the big time – and in way over her abilities – watch how she ages.

  5. I hear in the world of ladies wrestling that it is acceptable now to pull out the kotex and stuff it into an opponents mouth. I’m sure she has this move saved for Nancy Piglosi.
    There might be some here who would pay to see that.

  6. MJ, ditzy dames are my weakness.

    You know, the type you have watch eat cotton candy so they don’t choke themselves. The ones that release salt water lobsters into fresh water ponds so they’ll “live free”. Also the ones that cry adorably when confronted with a manual transmission.

    Man, I’m gettin’ a chubby just thinking about them.


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