Mark Dice – When You Think an AOC Quote is Too Dumb to Be Real, Don’t Be So Sure – IOTW Report

Mark Dice – When You Think an AOC Quote is Too Dumb to Be Real, Don’t Be So Sure

From ALL TOO much–>

22 Comments on Mark Dice – When You Think an AOC Quote is Too Dumb to Be Real, Don’t Be So Sure

  1. And all of those dudes standing behind her trying to stay out of the camera’s view…and trying not to laugh out loud.

    But they’d better watch their backs; I suspect there’s a ruthlessness in her that only needs a little power to be unleashed.

  2. I was wondering why they had no plan to get rid of landfill’s as they are a huge emitter of methane gas when it dawned on me that if this went through we would be eating our garbage just like Venezuela. Gals a genius?

  3. My favorite Mark Dice videos are his petition videos where he goes to either Venice Beach or San Diego (its a scientific fact that Southern Californians are on average 50 IQ points dumber then the rest of the nation, look it up) and gets run of the mill rube’s to sign the dumbest stuff imaginable;

    His history videos are good to, asking folks on the beach;

    Besides Jesse Ventura and John Wilkes Booth, can you name any other found fathers?
    What years did we fight our revolution against China?
    I’m sure you have heard that China just nuked Australia, what should we do about it?
    Hillary just picked Karl Marx as her running mate, any thoughts on that?

    It literally makes you ashamed to be a human.

  4. While making fun of her complete ignorance, I am waiting for some of the democrat congress creatures to finally say “o.k., enough. Shut up and sit down and do your time.” But I’m afraid it won’t happen. If you ever watch Jessie Waters interview college students about our history and government it is amusing but, even more than that, frightening. This is the future. These people vote and they support all of the impossibly ignorant things AOC says because of their own monumental and blissful ignorance. And the more savy Dems are precounting their votes. I know when I was young I absolutely knew and cared more about how our government and economy operated than these young people do — and at the same time I could “party” with the best of them back in the day. Today it’s either / or. Either you investigate facts and come come to understand what is really going on in our country and world or you “woo hoo –I get all my news from Bill Maher and internet anti-trump memes”and back to the beach. As I have heard someone else express, if you are a young conservative, you have to arm yourself with knowledge and facts. If you are a young liberal/progressive, all you need is a loud voice to say “you lie, you racist, genderist, homophobe, islamophobe ahole.” They consider that a debate. I hope we are not doomed but AOC depresses me.

  5. They really do operate at the intellectual level of a toddler. At her current rate of development, she may be able to create logical, factual sentences in another 50-60 years.

  6. I read an article about a decade ago that explored what attraction there exists for voting for what is obviously a straight up dumb shit. The author concluded that it gave those who vote that way the feeling that anyone can rise to the top irrespective of merit. The article was quite good and I have been attempting to locate it, but have so far been unsuccessful.

    This Goddamn fool had to just keep her trap shut and vote like Bernie Sanders and she would have been in that seat for life.

  7. People ask, how the hell did she get into power..? Her voters bought her ‘free BS’ crappola.. same problem with the crapfest known as Sheila Jackson Lee.., never under estimate the power of stupid people in large numbers..

  8. I think she views herself as Evita (not knowing who Eva Peron was) and she is here to save the escamisado of the entire world – one useless, stupid, crazy-ass idea after another. That skull of hers is vacuous.

  9. Seriously, long ago I taught middle-school. Since I first heard of this woman, I thought she talked and thought on about the same level as my former students. And, sadly, this is the future thanks to 60-years of liberal instruction, lack of imparting real skills and forsaking traditional values in public education. Now, universities are no better.


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