Dickinson College Publishes Angry Racist Rant That Advocates Shutting Down Speech From “White Boys” – IOTW Report

Dickinson College Publishes Angry Racist Rant That Advocates Shutting Down Speech From “White Boys”

Dicksonian- Leda Fisher

American society tells men, but especially white men, that their opinions have merit and that their voice is valuable, but after four years of listening to white boys in college, I am not so convinced. In my time at Dickinson I have listened to probably hundreds of white boys talk. It feels incessant. From classes and lectures, to the news and politics, there is an endless line of white boys waiting to share their opinions on the state of feminism in America, whether the LGBTQ+ population finally has enough rights, the merits of capitalism, etc. The list of what white boys think they are qualified to talk about is endless. Something very few of them seem to understand is that their (ill-informed, uncritical) opinions do not constitute truth. In fact, most often their opinions aren’t even original. White boys spout the narrative of dominant ideologies and pretend they’re hot takes instead of the same misleading garbage shoved down our throats by American institutions from birth. 

White boys have ill-informed, uncritical opinions, none of which constitute truth. Their opinions are not original, unlike this essay.

I am so g****mned tired of listening to white boys. I cannot describe to you how frustrating it is to be forced to listen to a white boy explain his take on the Black experience in the Obama-era. Hey Brian, I’m an actual Black woman alive right now with a brain. In what world would your understanding of my life carry more weight than my understanding?

Hey Leda, you can’t comment on the (W)hite experience in the Trump-era.

Unfortunately, it is this world, where white men debate the pain of other people for fun and then take away their rights.

What rights have been taken away?

The second thing most white boys seem not to understand is that they do not exist separate from the rest of the world. You do not speak alone, you speak with the weight of every other white man who has spoken over a woman, erased the contributions of queer people from history, or denigrated “broken English” as unintelligent.  You speak with the weight of policies and laws meant to forever define intelligence by how it measures up to the bros of America. 

This is just weird, especially the part about denigrating “broken English” as unintelligent. I think a person is unintelligent when they mangle English grammar and English is THEIR ONLY LANGUAGE. We see this a lot in the black community, unfortunately.

So, should white boys still be allowed to share their “opinions”? Should we be forced to listen? In honor of Black History Month, I’m gonna go with a hell no. Go find someone whose perspective has been buried or ignored and listen to them, raise up their voice. To all the Chrises, Ryans, Olivers, and Seans out there, I encourage you to critically examine where your viewpoints come from, read a text that challenges you without looking for reasons to dismiss it, and maybe try listening from now on.

Chris Tucker, Ryan Broyles, Oliver Tambo and Sean Combs, STFU and listen!

Leda Fisher


American studies, with a minor in women’s & gender studies.

Favorite class:

One of the most interesting classroom experiences was Fat Studies with Professor [of American Studies and Women’s, Gender & Sexuality Studies Amy] Farrell. I got to learn about a subject I didn’t have much experience with and then connect it to so many different fields.

Most important thing I’ve learned so far:

How to manage multiple commitments while prioritizing myself.


h/t woman vs. boys?



27 Comments on Dickinson College Publishes Angry Racist Rant That Advocates Shutting Down Speech From “White Boys”

  1. Uh, oh – it sounds like someone lost an argument or two to a white boy and is now pouty. You go, girl, and keep remembering that criticism of idiotic beliefs and incoherent rants is nothing more than intelligent society saying…well, you are idiotic and incoherent.

  2. Oh pardon little ole white me. I will talk less and fart in your general direction more, you fat black cow.

    BTW, are you gonna be that dishonest about ‘the black experience under obama’ (it was horrific except for symbolism, such as the satirical parade of the glamorous Mooch), or are you really just stupid as a cow?

  3. “…you (white boys) speak with the weight of every other white man who has spoken over a woman…”
    Whenever I have watched a panel on TeeVee, if there is a black woman on the panel, EVERYONE else gets talked-over by her. Nobody can get a word in edge-wise.

  4. @RickeyG February 9, 2019 at 1:17 pm

    > What we used to be able to read only in Mad Magazine and National Lampoon

    And what used to be merely article titles, are now accredited.

  5. I’m a white, Mormon boy from Utah who got a graduate degree from Columbia University in NYC (about 30 years ago). One of my professors was a Hispanic woman with a major chip on her shoulder. Leda reminds me of this professor. My professor had the supernatural ability to interpret everything I did or said in the context of me being a religious, white male, but I was never able to understand anything she did or said because I had never been a Hispanic female. Weird how that works.

  6. Okay. We’ll take our opinions and our inventions and move away from you. Good luck. All you superior womenfolk can just use your own inventions then. You can wear your Kevlar vests and do stuff with rolling pins and cookie cutters all day. Sorry, I can’t think of ONE SINGLE OTHER INVENTION.

  7. @Bill – Africans in Africa CAN’T be like her. The Liberal culture doesn’t exist there yet. Corrupt leaders, yes. Intolerable, racist, Liberal bitch-asses? Not so much, I think.

  8. And what right does she have to comment on “white boys”? (Racist and sexist term). by her own logic, she isn’t one so she can’t have an opinion about them or even talk about them.

  9. She’s studying a bunch of worthless crap. When she’s out of college, she won’t even be qualified to cook fries. What a loser! And yes, this is a white man’s opinion.

    They want to BBQ them.
    They think they are spoiled with welfare
    and food stamps.They laugh when the colored
    people say they are “victims of racism”.
    I got this from the many British & French men that
    worked oil field in the dark continent.

  11. “I am so g****mned tired of listening to black girls. I cannot describe to you how frustrating it is to be forced to listen to a black girl explain her take on the White experience in the Trump-era. Hey Leda, I’m an actual White man alive right now with a brain. In what world would your understanding of my life carry more weight than my understanding?

    Unfortunately, it is this world, where black women debate the pain of other people for fun and then take away their rights.

    The second thing most black girls seem not to understand is that they do not exist separate from the rest of the world. You do not speak alone, you speak with the weight of every other black woman who has spoken over a man, erased the contributions of queer people from history, or denigrated “proper English” as unintelligent. You speak with the weight of policies and laws meant to forever define intelligence by how it measures up to the bros of America.

    So, should black girls still be allowed to share their “opinions”? Should we be forced to listen? In honor of White History Month, I’m gonna go with a hell no. Go find someone whose perspective has been buried or ignored and listen to them, raise up their voice. To all the Tyrones, Shaques, Raffetas, and Cornholios out there, I encourage you to critically examine where your viewpoints come from, read a text that challenges you without looking for reasons to dismiss it, and maybe try listening from now on.”

    Well, makes sense, don’t it?

    izlamo delenda est …


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