Mexico impresses with new border effort: ‘First time that I’ve seen them do something’ – IOTW Report

Mexico impresses with new border effort: ‘First time that I’ve seen them do something’

Washington Examiner:

EAGLE PASS, Texas — Federal and local officials here are impressed with Mexico’s new effort to slow down the rate at which Central American migrants are allowed to cross into Texas.

Mexico has opened up a facility in the Mexican border town of Piedras Negras to house and feed migrants while they await to file their U.S. asylum claim. Mexico is also paying for hundreds of federal police to stand guard outside the facility’s fence and keep them from crossing into the U.S. — anyone caught trying to break out of the facility gets deported from Mexico.

The new effort is making an impression on U.S. officials charged with monitoring the border in Texas.

“This is the first time that I’ve seen them do something,” Maverick County Sheriff Tom Schmerber told the Washington Examiner.

The South Texas sheriff said people have migrated from Central America and Mexico to the U.S. for years, but only now is Mexico putting its foot down to prevent future caravans, a new immigration phenomenon.  more

9 Comments on Mexico impresses with new border effort: ‘First time that I’ve seen them do something’

  1. The real effort would be to shoot the first few who try and let those waiting know the Mexican police are deadly serious. The MP could even fake it with blanks, but pretend it is real.

  2. Mexico knows damn well that there is going to be a wall. They don’t want to be stuck with those idiots and criminals hanging on their side. And who knows what Trump’s doing on the sidelines that we aren’t privy to.

  3. We should praise Obrador as much as we give Trudeau crap. I’m so impressed with how he’s running the joint. My new favorite socialist.

    You know….. as far as socialists go.

  4. They’re cooperating, they’re not cooperating, they’re cooperating, they’re not cooperating…

    They’re feeding and housing them now? And what are WE paying them for this cooperation?

    Why are these migrants in Mexico to begin with, why did Mexico let them in. Mexico is not constrained by stupid U.S. immigration laws!

  5. On a side note. I was watching a movie last night called the Day after Tomorrow. There was a scene where all the Americans were crossing the border to Mexico to escape the cold. The Mexican government shut the border because there were too many people coming. I shook my head in disbelief. What’s up with that Hollywood?

  6. That would explain all the panicked stories this week about Mexico busing the migrants to the border, as if it were a marshaling yard for an invasion. In reality, AMLO is giving them free rides to keep their time on the ground in Mexico to a minimum and be in complete control of their destination. Pretty smart for a socialist.

  7. Mexico’s efforts at keeping them from even entering into Mexico from its southern border would improve greatly if we closed the border completely for traffic coming and going for a while.


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