9th Circuit Sides With Trump On Environmental Waivers For Border Wall – IOTW Report

9th Circuit Sides With Trump On Environmental Waivers For Border Wall


The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled for the Trump administration Monday in a case challenging its use of waivers to bypass environmental regulations in constructing parts of the border wall.

The state of California and several environmental groups sued President Donald Trump and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in September 2017 to stop construction of a border wall prototype and ongoing repairs to 14 miles of an existing barrier in San Diego.

“Under the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (IIRIRA), the Secretary of the DHS has long had the authority ‘to install additional physical barriers and roads … in the vicinity of the United States border,’” the 9th Circuit’s opinion states, quoting the IIRIRA.

The IIRIRA grants the secretary of the DHS “the authority to waive all legal requirements” as is “‘necessary to ensure expeditious construction’ of those barriers and roads,” according to the 9th Circuit.

The 9th Circuit’s three-judge panel ruled 2-1 in favor of the federal government. The dissenting judge, Consuelo Callahan, wrote she supported the Trump administration’s argument, but thought the court lacked jurisdiction to review California’s appeal.  read more

11 Comments on 9th Circuit Sides With Trump On Environmental Waivers For Border Wall

  1. P. Trump is talking about “The Wall” right now.
    It will be built.
    If the 9th gives him the green light, what or who will stop him.
    He is about to be unleashed, the left will not know what hit them.

  2. I’m looking forward to doing another Trump Rally. Just did the one, in LV with Loco, but they are fun. I watch this one in El Paso and it makes me want to do one again. The camaraderie and good feelings that are there is infectious. I’ll be watching for a West Coast rally.

  3. Dissenting Judge Consuelo Callahan doesn’t agree the 9th has the authority to rule on a case brought in the State of CA, regarding border wall prototype and ongoing repairs to 14 miles of an existing barrier in San Diego.
    Square that circle.

  4. If the reports are true, he’s going to have to appropriate the money and have the military to build the wall. The great compromise the Republicans and Democrats claim they have supposedly according to Hannity is only $1.3 billion.

  5. Engelburka, in other words the judge doesn’t understand her job description and is passing on her responsibility to someone who does. Sounds like an affirmative action hire.


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