Gun Background Checks: How the State Came To Decide Who Can and Cannot Buy a Firearm – IOTW Report

Gun Background Checks: How the State Came To Decide Who Can and Cannot Buy a Firearm

A friend at says:

I breach your inbox today to help explain what a background check is and how the state came to decide who can and cannot buy a firearm. I feel this is important as we saw H.R.8 introduced last month and I personally didn’t know the story on background checks, let alone how they work. I also found that I was not the only one who was puzzled on the matter. 

A few quick facts that I found most interesting while researching the topic:

  • This study shows 77% of state prisoners associated with firearm crimes received their firearm through:
    • Theft
    • Black Market
    • Drug Dealer
    • On the Street
    • Friends of the Family
  • This study analyzed 10 years of background checks that occurred in California and found gun homicides and suicides were not affected by background checks i.e. they didn’t work.
  • With more and more states legalizing marijuana, but with the federal government still recognizing it as a drug, people are seeing instances like what’s happening here in Missouri. Do you want protection or pain treatment?
  • All my “gym bros” can’t own a firearm because anabolic steroids are considered controlled substances.. 

7 Comments on Gun Background Checks: How the State Came To Decide Who Can and Cannot Buy a Firearm

  1. The 4473, if answered factually, would ensnare 75% + of all gun owners.

    The problem is, alcoholism, as it is currently defined by a fucked up society, says. If you get drunk more than 3-4 times a year your an alkihowlic.

    What we need is, common sense gun legislation!

    There’s always going to be turdballs, no matter what AOC says.

    I personally, have never had a gun stolen from me. MAYBE, we need to spend a gabillion dollars to find out who these asshats are that keep losing their guns!

    The CIA?

  2. A couple random thoughts.

    Your Gym buddies can still by a firearm if they haven’t been busted for controlled substances. They don’t make you take a blood test to buy a gun. Taking Steroids is for lazy people.
    I’m have an 07 FFL, a manufacturer, and we use to transfer guns through the shop. We stopped doing that a couple years ago and have a brick and mortar Gun Store do it for us now. But for the 5 years or so we we’re doing it, we never had a customer refused. In fact, the only guns that weren’t transfered were my call. (mooslems)
    Trump consistently sits at about 45% approval rating. If he wants to get to the mid 50’s all he needs to do is sign an EO protecting gun owners. Maybe cut off Federal Funds from any state that ignores the 2nd amendment. I know a ton of gun fanatics that don’t trust him on guns. They’re all over Instagram.
    The 2nd amendment is not up for individual state interpretation. It’s not a states rights issue anymore than the rest of the Bill Of Rights.

  3. Those are interesting facts. Unfortunately facts don’t matter to Dems and RINOs, only emotion.

    The reason some gun people don’t fully trust the President is because what he said in support of red flag laws and bump stocks. I hope Don Jr. has his fathers ear on 2A stuff.

  4. @Tony R March 7, 2019 at 11:35 pm

    > I hope Don Jr. has his fathers ear on 2A stuff.

    If Don Jr. whispering in daddy’s ear did any good, Ivanka wouldn’t have a grounds pass.

  5. How about background checks for politicians ?

    How about submitting to intensive investigation
    and interrogatory of your entire family and
    associative coterie to determine if you should be
    ALLOWED to even be on the ballot ?

    It makes as much sense

    Both are the contravention of rights


    by the Constitution !


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