Trash Gets Bashed – IOTW Report

Trash Gets Bashed

Denver Officer Michael Oestmann was guarding suspect Kevin Watson. Despite his hands being handcuffed behind his chair, Watson proceeded to curse out and spit at Cpl. Oestmann for nearly five minutes, before going too far.

Watson gets his just desserts at the 4:50 mark. Here 

42 Comments on Trash Gets Bashed

  1. I would have put the perp’s face to the corner, like punishing a small child (but still with hands cuffed behind his back). Problem avoided on several levels. Punishment inflicted on several levels.

    All that said, the officer showed restraint, and the perp deserved what he got.

  2. Why is it that the article states the officer knocked the guy unconscious, but the guy only “allegedly” spit on him? Notice that this is the way most articles are written?

  3. Give that officer a raise for putting up with a worthless piece of shit for over 4 minutes who will never amount to anything except a bottomless sink hole for hard-earned tax dollars!!

  4. BUT…..!!! at least this “worthless piece of shit”….. “who will never amount to anything except a bottomless sink hole for hard-earned tax dollars…..”

    …..was NOT aborted by his loving and protective and hard-working mother, who nurtured him carefully for about ten minutes after birth. After that, he was not fed regularly, never loved….. Good job, forced birthers.

    Now, he is just the problem of the citizens of America. Thanks a lot, forced birthers. Aren’t you glad you saved him for our prison system? …..Lady in Red

    PS: Perhaps he will write a Beethoven symphony in prison and redeem his worth to society.

  5. One time years ago my friend had a prisoner in a Manhattan Precinct for armed robbery. The prisoner was cuffed to a chair, just like this skell. My friend was making out reports and waiting for a Detective to come and fingerprint the guy. Now, back in the day, each Precinct had what we called “a Broom”, an older cop waiting for retirement who was taken off patrol and assigned to keeping the Station house clean. This Broom was a huge black guy
    Anyway. what happened was. this “Broom” walked by and punched my friend’s prisoner in the face, knocking him ass over head and out.
    Remember, a cop has to protect his prisoner, no matter what.
    So my friend said. “What the fuck” But the Broom just kept walking and then returned with a Mop Bucket, and a Mop. He said to my friend Un- cuff this motherfucker. He’e been spittin’ on my floor since he got here and you fuckin’ asshole didn’t want to notice. When the motherfucker comes too, he’s goin’ to mop this fucking floor before he get’s fingerprinted. Ah. does were the good old days.

  6. Not to worry, RottyLover. The PC term for these fascists is “pro-lifers.” ….smile…. But, forced birthing is where they’re headed.

    You do the “crime,” you do your time: twenty years. (…or, perhaps, the state and the tax payers will pick up the bill, instead. See Above.) ….Lady in Red

  7. LIR,

    Whoa…making some grand assumptions. Who knew as a baby how he’d turn out? Do you have clairvoyant powers? Maybe just murder him?

    Good job showing your ass, again. Abortion bints seem to have a talent for this.

  8. LiR, I regret you had to bring abortion into this thread, but here goes.

    Mr. Watson still has the chance to reconsider his life and how he ended up handcuffed to a chair in a police station. An aborted baby never had the change at life.

    We don’t know for a certainty that a person will grow up to be a blight on society or someone who contributes to the betterment of others. We all know that an aborted baby never gets that chance either.

    Please don’t make me go on. On other threads your comments make sense and are enjoyable at times to read.

  9. I don’t get the comedy joke, TRF. *I* think it’s sad. You take a woman who can’t — or doesn’t want — to raise a baby and you give her no alternative options. Then, stupidly, like .45-70 I suppose, you hope some magic will happen and the chubby little cherub will somehow blossom — as if by magic — into a wondrous happy, adjusted, productive adult.

    Say .45-70. Do you think it’s all magic, that no one has a clue if a wanted baby in a loving two parent family has a better shot at success and happiness in life than an unwanted, unloved child you forced some stupid, ill-educated woman to birth because….

    …..ah, I keep forgetting your reasons….. Is it that God told you this is what he wants? Is that it?

    Do you really think that loser in the video was a random victim of chance? Don’t make me laugh and start some comedy number….. …..Lady in Red

  10. Lowell. “Dick move” because it was on camera. Good move though. Disrespectful criminals should not be treated like gentlemen or ladies. If they act up, they should be smacked down. GFY!
    You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. You’re a wannabee Don Lemon on CNN.

  11. Jim got drunk at a bar. Joe put him in handcuffs. Jim spat at Joe. Joe knocked Jim out.

    Now Jim has all charges against him dropped and Joe is facing some administrative leave time.

  12. It’s ok, Dr. Tar. I’m outta here. …smile….

    It was the comment by TRF about “worthless piece of shit” and “bottomless sink hole for taxpayers…” that teed me off.

    I just wish people would stop being knee-jerk and actually *think* about the implications for the *hurtful* policies they advocate. Is there a winner here? The mother who never wanted to be…? The “worthless piece of shit”…?. Society? Who is winning? ….Lady in Red

    PS: And, as you must know, the “shit” above is chump change as unwanted, unloved losers go in society. It can get much, much worse.

  13. glad I stopped in this evening. I’ve witnessed the genesis of a whole new class of our fellow man- the ‘should have beens,’ and also a few futile attempts at justifying that level of compassion.
    Diverse place, this place is.

  14. Look, the fact of the matter is that there indeed are worthless pieces of shit out there. That is undeniable, but no one knows how to identify them when they’re born. Tying the two together is a Non Sequitur, an illogical argument, but the fact that they exist and how to deal with them is not.

  15. I love watching Blue Bloods. The old guy once referred to a perp needing a “hickory tune-up.” I loved that line. I was an MP for a bit while I served in the Corps. Once, after a drunk ass Marine pissed outside the holding cell through the bars a second timeI lost it, drug his ass out of the cell and doubled him over with a punch in the gut. Guess what, there was no more pissing after that. I later heard shouting in that area and went in the cells room. There was another dude hanging himself with his pants from the bar. I reached through the bars and lifted his body shouting for another MP to get his ass in there and unlock the gate. I hated when payday fell on a Friday.

  16. I watched the video, Dr. Tar. ….smile….

    We might discuss it, but we can’t because the “forced birthers” are the irrational, anti-intellectual ones.

    Simple comments include:

    It is incredibly presumptuous, that women who support *choice* are childless.

    It assumes that all women are cookie cutter Donna Reeds, both wanting and capable of raising successful children.

    There is more, but the “forced birthing” side of the church never thinks or considers the implications of anything beyond: any pregnant woman must, if possible, be forced to birth and, then….

    …..all will be well.

    Life is not like that. ….Lady in Red

  17. @Moe Tom :”You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.”

    Hey Moe, ever punched a woman? Why not? They’re generally smaller and weaker. Probably can’t fight back effectively.

    Ever roughed up somebody restrained? Smack to the face, or maybe a leg sweep if they’re walking? If they’re in handcuffs, they probably deserve it anyway.

    You mentioned “disrespectful criminals”. You ever seen many of the other kind?

    It was a dick move by a stupid cop. If he was stupid enough to do what he did, do it on camera, and that video got recovered I have no sympathy for the dumbass. He’ll be lucky if he don’t do time for that.

    ‘On the spot’ corrections for some of the errant members of society that don’t comply with law enforcement is expected by that segment of the population. This guy just won a Golden Ticket at the taxpayers expense because a cop lost his composure at the wrong time.

  18. Life is not like that. ….Lady in Red

    That is the problem. Too many don’t understand just ‘how life works.’ As in- where it comes from, and how a new life begins. But they understand how it ends, and how to do that. There is absolutely no reason for electable 3rd or 4th term (infanticide) abortion in the world of today. My goodness, there are ‘morning after’ pills and procedures for early termination. It isn’t a sentence that would cause a woman to consider a late term abortion, or terminating at the time of labor- that is caused by ignorance or stupidity, and it is high time that is made common knowledge..

  19. As a teenage, snot-nosed, uneducated dipshit, I came to the belief that parents can only do so much, most importantly; teach right from wrong.

    There IS a certain point in life where the ‘child’ will strike out on his/her own and make or break every thing they were ever taught.

    If they choose to go astray… be it. Let them eat shit and find out what the real world is all about.

  20. Lowel No I never punched a woman or a fag. Or a restrained prisoner. I’m just explaining that years back disrespectful prisoners were treated differently than they are today. Reasonable prisoners, even though criminals, were treated with respect, protected, and brought before a judge. ASAP.
    I, too, cannot explain all the beer kegs. But the guy was a scumpbag and deserved a smack if he spit at a cop.

  21. Late to the party. Go to side with Lowel here. Dick move. If you want to beat his ass, uncuff him. Not cool.

    I think LIR had a painful Breast Feeding experience. JK LIR.

  22. UMMM…. Just wondering here (and should probably not), but where exactly in this story did we learn that this spitting fuktard was the result of a lack of abortion options in America and the product of a single mother FORCED to carry a child to term and then ruin his life? I have five children, all different. All brought up in a two parent home, loved and nurtured. Most of them are successful and productive……
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  23. I gotta say LIR has some views that a lot of people don’t agree with. Including me at times. But I think she spurs on some interesting debate. She has an important voice here.

  24. HERE’S THE BEER KEG EXPLANATION!!!!….there’s a hint where the camera pans left. There’s a sign that says Jackson’s H….It’s a bar called Jackson’s Hole. There used to be about 5 of them around the Denver area. The dirt ball was arrested and cuffed in the kitchen area. I think they are down to 1 or 2 restaurants….

  25. Ha ha ha!
    Wow. Just WOW.

    Cop knocks out a guy tied to a chair (I know, sitting in a chair, handcuffed), LIR goes off the rails in infanticide mode and a melee ensues!

    I love this site!
    Oh … the fukkin coons stole my sneakers again!
    Took me 20 or 30 seconds to find them.
    Coons really ARE dumb!

    izlamo delenda est …

  26. The idea that abortion is an economic benefit was expounded by a couple of so-called economists (Harvard educated, I think) in a book called Freakonomics. John Lott wrote a rebuttal called Freedomnomics. I’ll go with Lott’s analysis.

    Condemning a human being before birth is the Nazi philosophy and a Darwinian practice. As Winston Churchill pointed out in the early 1930’s, the Nazis condemned an entire race on account of being born Jewish…even Germans who were mostly Aryan with a tiny amount of Jewish blood were condemned. Sheesh.

    That philosophy needs to be out of its misery before it does any more harm.


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