BAMF wouldn’t allow himself to become a victim – IOTW Report

BAMF wouldn’t allow himself to become a victim

ht/ bad brad

10 Comments on BAMF wouldn’t allow himself to become a victim

  1. “In 1996, Lance was one of only two Santa Monica residents to have a concealed weapons permit”

    Gee, I wonder why they have so much crime.

    When I took my concealed carry training course 25 years ago, this guy was one of our case studies.

  2. Tony R

    Yeah, me to. But here’s what all the want a be pistol warriors that were teaching those classes missed. This old man faced that threat and lived. Actually he was victorious. I pray I’m that cool under fire as his guy. This guys got that warrior thought process going on. “Every thing was in slow motion”. That man is a gun fighter.

  3. impressive, and good for him.
    I looked around, and he is still active in the watch world. I didn’t post his webpage here, but it is easily found.
    from a page I found, related to his story: “…What amazes me is that society allowed him to be driven out of his brick-and-stick business instead of crushing the criminal gang subculture in Los Angeles.”

  4. He reached the point after 3 gunfights that his reputation was drawing punks to challenge him and at that point he knew not only he but his customers were in constant danger and not worth it.
    A good man to have your back, courage, a steady hand and character.


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