The Orange New Deal – IOTW Report

The Orange New Deal


Much attention has been garnered by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s juvenile Green New Deal and its fantasy of remaking our high-tech civilization into an agrarian paradise. It has been pointed out that if this draconian plan were enacted, trillions in wealth would be destroyed, and quite possibly, millions of lives lost.  America would be jolted back to the 19th Century, a place where few folks other than perhaps the Amish are equipped to survive.  To which AOC replies, well, she’s only starting a conversation here.  And what does it matter, since we’re all going to die in 12 years anyway.  It is difficult to tell how much of this the left actually believes, and how much is posturing and virtue signaling.

The original New Deal was a term coined by President Franklin Roosevelt in the depths of the Great Depression.  Though in reality it was just another socialist program that likely extended the Depression, it succeeded in its real purpose—propaganda.  Many people were convinced falsely that the Depression was caused by evil Capitalists, and that FDR was valiantly saving the common people through this wonderful program of putting limitations on the free market.

Today the term New Deal still retains some positive connotations, which is no doubt why Occasional-Cortex or her handlers dug up the term to reuse.  In their fevered imaginations, the earth is about to collapse under the weight of all this scorching heat, unless the left can save us with another government wealth-confiscation program.

But while the left has been hand-wringing about its Chicken Little fantasy, President Trump has been putting into effect his own Orange New Deal.  Not to counteract some imaginary Climate Crisis, but to begin to put the brakes on a much greater catastrophe, the flood of Marxist ideas that have threatened to destroy everything about America that makes it the greatest country on earth.  Eight years of fundamental transformation of America’s free enterprise system had brought business expansion and job creation to a practical halt.  Eight years of underfunding America’s military and apologizing to despots around the globe have put America into a highly weakened position globally.  Eight years of no moral compass in the White House have left many Americans not even knowing how to tell boys from girls, let alone friends from enemies.  Trump has been busy reversing these trends, while his enemies keep occupied talking amongst themselves about how they are just so close to removing Trump from office.  The end to Trump’s prosperity is just around the corner.

And as bad as it was to have a President for eight years who didn’t love America, it was just as bad to have an ‘opposition’ party with barely a pulse, unable to mount even a feeble effort to oppose any of these destructive ideas.  Establishment Republicans such as Boehner and Ryan made it clear they despised true conservatives much more than they did leftist Democrats, and never made any more than a token effort to oppose Obama’s policies.  In the pre-Trump years, they knew they could get away with it.  Where else were conservatives going to go?


11 Comments on The Orange New Deal

  1. @MJA March 13, 2019 at 12:03 am

    > Yeah, I’m not sure why we need techies from India. I think we need to clamp down on legal immigration, too.

    That sounds very anti-Trump. You gone NeverTrump, missy?
    And, dagnabbit! You made Ivanka cry!

  2. ‘not sure why we need techies from India.’
    It’s due to their culturally advanced knowledge, ‘cept for that needing to understand what that toilet paper thingy is really about.

  3. I think the sad truth is America’s STEM test scores are in the toilet and in order for U.S. high tech to compete against the likes of India, China, and even Russia, we need all those foreign nationals who bought seats at Stanford and MIT. For several decades, now, these emerging tech-focused countries have been eating our lunch. Couple that with the U.S. Left’s dumbing down our school system (including Bill Gates extolling the virtue of just dropping out altogether), and this is the predictable outcome.

    I don’t think POTUS Trump actually wants these tech jobs to be filled by immigrants, but he does want to repatriate U.S. high tech from India and China. And I don’t think he would be making those statements unless his own A-Team finance/economic guys have looked deeply into the situation.

    It was back in the late ’80’s that the crisis of a lack of educated STEM workers was first identified, and things have only become worse than their most dire predictions. It’s not just low-wage offshoring that’s the problem. We all know where U.S. universities have been focused for at least the past couple of decades: churning out SJW’s instead of engineers.

  4. …and if that’s not bad enough, do a little research on what U.S. tech giants have to do to attract and retain U.S. workers these days. It’s nauseating. Google, for example, looks more like Romper Room than a serious business. Yet for every new tech job in India about ten thousand eager people will crawl over broken glass to get a shot at it. And once hired, they’ll sleep under a desk to keep it. No Nerf wars, free soda, bringing their emotional security animal to work. No stock options, signing bonuses, six weeks vacation, or relocation costs. And no concerns about an employee who is going to sue you for getting their gender identity wrong or for not allowing them to interrupt everything to pray several times a day.

  5. AOC is a self absorbed simple minded bimbo that is totally caught up in her newfound celebrity. Nothing should surprise anyone about what she regurgitates when a microphone is shoved in her face. She feels pressured to respond although she has nothing to relate other than idiotic leftist platitudes.

  6. The universities have been failing the students for decades. Indulging spoiled brat little snot noses with idiotic courses lacking any intellectual vigor and catering to childish whims instead of preparing for the harsh realities of a competitive world.
    Those brats are being supplanted by truly hungry and ruthless people from the third world that are seizing the opportunity.
    I pity the decadent little twits when reality awakes them, their future won’t be so rosy when they’re scrubbing the toilets for some guy from India that came and took what should have been theirs.


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