‘I think we’ve got a dead body out there.’ – IOTW Report

‘I think we’ve got a dead body out there.’

Man finds a would-be robber crushed under his 900 pound safe.


Homeowner George Hollingsworth told police he began inventorying items in his garage after discovering the door frame was damaged on Tuesday evening.

While cleaning out clutter the following day, Hollingsworth discovered his 900-pound antique floor safe had been knocked over. Upon further inspection, he realized there was a body underneath the large piece of furniture.

“My mind couldn’t comprehend it. This can’t be real. It’s like some strange tale,” Hollingsworth told WXIN. “I came in and told my wife, ‘I think we’ve got a dead body out there.’ She thought I was kidding.”

First responders were able to lift the heavy antique and pull out the crushed body, later identified as 28-year-old Jerimiah Disney.

In a statement, investigators said the safe, which had been held up by a floor jack, likely fell onto the intruder as he rummaged through the cluttered garage.

But despite the victim’s intentions, Hollingsworth told WXIN that he wishes the man had simply gotten away with his attempted burglary.

“I would have rather seen him steal stuff and get out than die like that,” he told the station. “What a horrible way to die.”

h/t it floored him


38 Comments on ‘I think we’ve got a dead body out there.’

  1. Trust the legal system this ain’t over …
    look for a ambulance chasing lawyer lawsuit.

    Less you forget a store owner down in Fla. was sued by the family of a Burglar. That electrocuted himself in doing so, about 8 years ago.

  2. Sure Wile E. sure, you’re just a cartoon who never dies despite all your hilarious crashes and accidents. This poor guy was just a dumb schmuck who found himself in an unsafe predicament. He went SPLAT, you never do which is why it’s so funny.

  3. Dude might want to suit up in ty-vec, buy a good respirator mask and empty that garage out. If that’s bodily fluids they keep highlighting in the video, he’s going to regret not hosing that out.

  4. I’d Lawyer if I was that homeowner.
    Like Steve T said, some ambulance chaser will sue him for the unsafe safe.
    He better have had the doors locked or he will be ruined.

  5. “While cleaning out the clutter the following day …”


    “Yo! There be … like … y’know … dis squushed dead dude! and I’m like … shit! … I ain’t gone clean up no clutter no mo!”

    “You’ve entered … The Twilight Zone!”

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. “I would have rather seen him steal stuff and get out than die like that,” he told the station. “What a horrible way to die.”

    Seriously? You’re shitting me! The owner of the safe I bet you $1,000 he’s a liberal.

  7. @Goldenfoxx: “Seriously? You’re shitting me! The owner of the safe I bet you $1,000 he’s a liberal.”

    he’s just thankful they didn’t open the safe and find his ex-wife. The one who went missing 14 years ago. (just joking)


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