Swamp Watch — Beto O’Rourke — Steve Hilton does a bang-up job! – IOTW Report

Swamp Watch — Beto O’Rourke — Steve Hilton does a bang-up job!

HT/ Janitor


7 Comments on Swamp Watch — Beto O’Rourke — Steve Hilton does a bang-up job!

  1. “Every word was pulled out of me”

    Well I’ll just I’ll Bet(o) his ass really hurt after that!

    Stevo had it going until the very end when he tried to amp up his creds by telling us he has praised democRAT candidates. Well that’s all well and good to tell us where you stand on things, but don’t try to tell us that Liawatha is a serious person along with the likes of Bernie, Kamala and Cory. That’s where he jumps the rails. Corruption and Hypocrisy are the main inGREEDients with this gang of thieves!

  2. Unfortunately democrat {especially women} votes are determined by how physically attractive they think a candidate is. That gives those running free reign to vomit up just about any nonsense while speaking.
    With them it’s not about ideas, it’s about looks and personality. Recall all the sickening fawning they did about Obozo body surfing?

  3. The Texas 16th Cong district elected this moron to Congress THREE times! Billionaire money is the magic ticket. Like Hillary, he probably thought he had the TX Senate election in his pocket.


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