Rep. Doug Collins Explains The Reasoning and Sequencing of House Transcript Releases – IOTW Report

Rep. Doug Collins Explains The Reasoning and Sequencing of House Transcript Releases

CTH: House Judiciary Committee ranking member Doug Collins appears with Maria Bartiromo to discuss the reasoning and sequencing of congressional transcript releases highlighting the FBI and DOJ officials who participated in the political weaponization of their offices.

According to Representative Collins there will be more releases of congressional transcripts timed and sequenced to tell the details behind a very complex story.

I hope Doug Collins is successful in his plan to lay out the factual events in a manner that people will be able to understand and comprehend.  Unfortunately, I temper my optimism with knowledge of how Republicans tend to play too-cute-by-half  when they are tasked with creating a digestible narrative.  They’re just not good at it.

Honest and diligent politicians, not being as skilled in the dark arts as their UniParty adversaries; and suffering from decades of battered conservative syndrome; have a tendency to get lost in the weeds.  This allows their opposition to cloud, obfuscate and Alinsky the righteous opposition.  WATCH

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