It’s with great sadness that we report… – IOTW Report

It’s with great sadness that we report…

.45-70 has passed on.

WillysGoatGruff gave us the news.

RIP friend.


89 Comments on It’s with great sadness that we report…

  1. RIP, my friend.
    My prayers are for him and his family.
    And us
    O LORD, support us all the day long, until the shadows lengthen and the Evening comes, the busy world is hushed, the fever of life is over, and our work is done. Then, in Thy mercy, grant us a safe lodging, a Holy rest and lasting Peace. Amen.

  2. RIP, .45-.70. Condolences to family and friends. A man of his caliber is a great loss. I hope he doesn’t mind the double entendre. 🙂 He was a great asset to this site.

    Also hope I’ve been here long enough to comment.

  3. .45-70, what a great caliber. Eternal rest grant unto him oh Lord. And may the perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and all the souls of the faithfully departed rest in peace. Amen.

  4. I’m gonna send a .45-70 round down range in my 1885 highwall at sunset tonight. If 20 more people join in the fun….well, you know where I’m going with this….

  5. Rest in Peace, no pain, no sorrow.
    You are in the Arms of our Father.

    Prayers for your Family and Friends.
    May all their memories of you be a comfort.

    Greet us as we arrive.

  6. Well, that is sad news. All my troubles seem to have gone away for now. Enjoyed his comments and just knowing he was out there as a IOTW friend.

    My 1884 Springfield Trapdoor is a 45-70 willysgoatgruff so there’s another gun for salute.

  7. .45-70: I’m gonna miss you, your wit and insight, in this, my new-found IOTW family. Enjoy your place in Glory and your loved ones who awaited you there. I look forward to meeting you, at that day.

    Please, oh Lord, bestow your peace, love, and grace upon those family and friends our brother will now be waiting for.

    Sadly, I’d don’t own a .45-70, but my brace of Walkers will be joining in that salute at this Even’s Texas sunset.

    Rev 21:4 “For God shall wipe away all tears; and there shall be no more death…sorrow…crying…pain: for the former things are passed away.”

  8. @ BFH.thank you for confirmation. Hope he is well. Prayers still go up for 45-70. Any loss is a sad burden for friends and family
    Tks again. It was me..
    Just pass’n thru..

  9. May .45-70 have found grace in the sight of the Lord and been welcomed into His presence with the words “Well Done, my good and faithful servent”. May he enjoy his life eternal in an incorruptible body, and be delighting forever in the Light of the Lord.

    His struggles are over, and his reward is certain, so let us turn our prayers to his freinds, family, and children, be they physical or spiritual children, for those that no longer have him to hold are doubtless inconsolable this day. Let us uplift them in prayer for, though we do not know who they are and where they are, the Lord we pray to knows and will see to it we do not pray amiss.

    -Heavenly Lord, we rejoice that you have called our brother to be with You, and celebrate his being in Heaven through Your grace and mercy, and the great sacrifice of Your precious Blood that You made for him, and us all, at Calvary. We celebrate through our tears, though, as we who knew only a small part of him can be feeling only a small sense of the loss of those who knew him well, and love him still. We know in our minds that it is only through the grave that he can reach You, but we all would have liked just a little more time with him, and no one more than his family. Please Lord, touch those in greif today, let Your Spirit light on them and fill them with the certain knowledge that their loved one is with You, and that they will meet again in the Light of Your glory, if they only accept the grace that You bought them with Your blood. Dry their tears, give them strength to go on, and draw them ever closer to You that all Your children can be reunited at Your holy feet.

    We thank You and praise You in all your mercy for the comfort You have already sent, and for all that Your word promises to send.

    In the precious name of Jesus,

    Matthew 5:4 – Blessed [are] they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.

  10. You are welcone, @Val, but if there’s anything good you see in me, it is not me but my Lord Jesus Christ. What words I have, He sends, and to Him be the glory.

  11. Very sad to learn of this. I greatly enjoyed his wit and wisdom. The Deranged’s deepest sympathies to his blood family and to his IOTW family.

    I’ll join the fusillade at sunset with my .45-70

  12. As we all move inexorably to that same end, we are wise to remember that our contributions can and do live beyond us.
    This loss is not an end, but only a beginning for him. For us, we are torn between our own sadness and joy that he is in a better place.
    I pray for his friends and family as they move through the sadness to a new normal.

  13. Such sad news. Prayers for those closest to him and also for all those here who have shared such kindhearted and uplifting comments. What a great bunch of hearts here at iotwreport.

  14. “Strange, isn’t it?

    Each man’s life touches so many other lives.

    When he isn’t around he leaves an awful hole, doesn’t he?” – Clarence Oddbody, ASII

    Deepest Sympathies to the family.


  15. Very sad to hear about 45.-70. I will miss his concise, witty comments. May God bring peace and comfort to his whole family, including his fellow IOTWrers.

  16. The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life.
    God welcomes you 45.-70, as we still here will miss you.

  17. Whoso thou be that passeth by;
    Where these corps entombed lie:
    Understand what I shall say,
    As at this time speak I may.
    Such as thou art, sometime was I,
    Such as I am, such shalt thou be.

    Long ago I was a sexton. There’s not a day goes by that I forget that.


  18. 15 .45-70 posts. . .For His Story
    .45-70 March 31, 2017 at 11:47 pm

    .45-70 – also known as the .45-70 government cartridge. Developed in 1873. Originally a black powder cartridge, but performs exceptionally well with smokeless powder. It has a long and storied history.
    .45-70 April 20, 2018 at 12:15 pm
    A thumb up for Uranus.
    .45-70 November 3, 2018 at 10:10 pm
    My prediction(s):

    Some will win, some will lose.

    The sun will come up Wednesday morning.
    .45-70 November 4, 2018 at 2:01 pm
    It kinda brings a tear to your eye.

    A smile to your face.

    And…a flutter to your heart.

    MAGA! rules
    .45-70 November 15, 2018 at 11:31 am
    Definitely need more cow farts to save the planet.
    .45-70 January 1, 2019 at 12:10 am
    I still got an hour to go….but

    Happy New Year! to all at IOTW.

    The best bunch of snarky misfits anywhere.
    .45-70 February 10, 2019 at 3:51 pm
    “When memes are outlawed. . .
    . . .only outlaws will have memes”
    .45-70 March 7, 2019 at 7:15 pm
    I have the FLU… Feel like steamed horse crapola.

    Joe Dan always makes me smile and feel better.

    So does this. . .h.ttps://
    ► 2:29 Trump Will Never Be President!
    Jul 5, 2018 – 2 min – Uploaded by MrTopStep
    US Election Night Compilation
    .45-70 March 7, 2019 at 2:22 pm
    .45-70 March 8, 2019 at 6:55 am
    Our Father who art in Heaven:

    I humbly pray that if an asteroid in coming our way, can you please hurry it along?
    .45-70 March 10, 2019 at 10:30 am
    Willy’s relative???

    (he’s gonna kick my butt)
    .45-70 March 11, 2019 at 7:07 am
    Blasphemy! of one of the greatest songs ever.
    .45-70 March 13, 2019 at 12:28 am

    You never did answer my questions earlier.

    1) what brand of tin foil?
    2) Regular or heavy-duty?
    3) Shiny side or dull side out?

    .45-70 March 13, 2019 at 5:21 pm
    I sure miss our dear departed poster… Greetings from Yonkers.

    Her brutally honest and snarky posts from behind enemy lines were always a pleasure and insightful.

    Peace, GFY
    .45-70 March 13, 2019 at 10:31 pm
    That’s nice. . . I guess.


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