Obama told antisemite Tlaib that “he’s proud of her” – IOTW Report

Obama told antisemite Tlaib that “he’s proud of her”

Obama is a CINO – Christian in Name Only. I don’t care what he outwardly identifies himself as, he is a Muslim. His heart is with Islam, his policies are with Islam, he stands with Islam.

When he claims he isn’t Muslim, it makes it worse. It’s a consciousness of guilt. He knows he’s up to nefarious shenanigans.

As Pamela Geller always said, what would Obama do differently if he was, on paper, a Muslim?

Now we’re told he is very proud of the known antisemite/Muslim Rashida Tlaib.

16 Comments on Obama told antisemite Tlaib that “he’s proud of her”

  1. He’s a traitor that has infiltrated the United States Government
    He wreaked havoc, hate and discontent throughout the country.
    Since he is Muslim, he should be stoned to death.

  2. Don’t be proud of her, Barkah, be proud of her smelly, orangutan-bearded entourage of handlers. She’s just a human shield.

    Q: Why does a Muslim man allow his wife to walk in front of him?

    A: to detonate the IEDs.

  3. The guy who spent more money on influencing Israel’s election to overthrow an ally than Russia spent attempting to influence ours supports a rabid, illiterate anti-semite?

    The guy leaking US/Israeli intelligence plans to Iran to enable them to get a nuclear weapon supports a fat, profane, loyalty to a country that doesn’t exist, future suicide bomber?

    The guy who left Netanyahu at a dinner table with his kids so he could go watch a basketball game? That guy?

    The same guy who abstained from blocking a UN vote to condemn Israel before the last election?

    I find this all very hard to believe.

  4. Looks like you retards are following the rules of Hitler’s friend, repeat a lie long enough, someone is bound to believe to be true.

    No wonder Klansman Trump won, because he’s got the retard vote.

    Obama is a baptized Christian, and he really believes it. Here is some of what he said in public:

    ”We hold this Easter Prayer Breakfast every year to take a moment from our hectic lives for some fellowship, friendship, prayer and reflection. I know pastors here have had a very busy Holy Week, and so for you to travel here and take the time to spend with us is extraordinary after what I know is difficult…

    I am no preacher. I can’t tell anything to this crowd about Easter that you don’t already know. I can offer just a couple of reflections very quickly before we begin the program.

    For me, the celebration of Easter puts our earthly concerns into perspective. With humility and with awe, we give thanks to the extraordinary sacrifice of Jesus Christ, our Savior. We reflect on the brutal pain that He suffered, the scorn that He absorbed, the sins that He bore, this extraordinary gift of salvation that He gave to us. And we try, as best we can, to comprehend the darkness that He endured so that we might receive God’s light.

    And yet, even as we grapple with the sheer enormity of Jesus’s sacrifice, on Easter we can’t lose sight of the fact that the story didn’t end on Friday. The story keeps on going. On Sunday comes the glorious Resurrection of our Savior. ”

    Please tell me whether Donald Trump, or you, have ever said anything like that.

    BTW: Obama has killed hundreds if not thousands of Muslims with drone strikes

    It’s easier to call him a Niqqer than a Muslim because we both know thats what you REALLY mean.

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