Makeup artist is impressive – IOTW Report

Makeup artist is impressive


Taylor Swift –

Johnny Depp –

Girl with a pearl earring-

Hey honey, I feel like going to bed with Marilyn Monroe tonight. Can you make it happen?


14 Comments on Makeup artist is impressive

  1. not a bad idea … we can CGI these no-talent hacks right out of existence … saving the world with having to bother w/ their incessant blather (as if they actually had something sensible to say w/out someone else writing it for them). Hell, it works great for Carrie Fisher’s carrier. Disney keeps digging her up w/ every new Star Bores movie.

    and as an added bonus we won’t have to put up w/ all their drooling idiot children

  2. Sorry in advance for off topic comment, but didn’t want to ask on .45-70 post. Why is Brad in self-imposed exile? I hope it isn’t still over LIR, I thought he was finally seeing the light on that deal.


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