UPDATE: Reporter has her drink drugged for the second time in a couple of years – IOTW Report

UPDATE: Reporter has her drink drugged for the second time in a couple of years

Kudos to Hot Salsa for her find. We didn’t want to be too accusatory in the initial post, but it seems Salsa was ahead of the curve on this one.

I was questioning if I jumped the gun on my Alexi McCammond suspicions. I went back to Twitchy and read their comments. Behold, a commenter found another tweet where she said she had been drugged twice (before recent drugging) so she is claiming to have been roofied 3 times. In addition, Charles Payne has a video where she earlier claimed to have been touched by Donald Trump.

And, no police report on St. Regis drugging.
I think her stories have served her well in the past but perhaps they are now catching up with her?

Please take a minute to skim the comments in the Twitchy post on her.



Axios reporter Alexi McCammond said in a series of tweets on Sunday that she was drugged at the bar of the St. Regis hotel in Washington, D.C. on Monday:


Oddly, this is not the first time his writer has claimed to have been drugged in the exact same manner. Hot Salsa did some digging-

From Cosmopolitan

It happened exactly two years ago. I was newly single, I had been arguing with my ex-boyfriend all day, and I just wanted a fun night out with my girlfriends. It was a freezing winter night in Chicago, but I convinced my friend Ellie* to go to a club downtown with me. I wanted an unforgettable night — drinks, dancing, and cute guys. I never anticipated losing consciousness.

An hour after being at the club, an older man in his mid-30s, slightly balding and with the worst dad bod, offered to pay for our second drinks. I had always accepted drinks from men before and never thought twice about it. I was a college student, drinks in Chicago are expensive, and if someone else wanted to pay for a stranger’s drink, then I usually saw no harm. I said I’d have a vodka cranberry.

This guy was distinctly different though. After he handed the drinks to Ellie and me, Ellie said thanks and walked away. I felt badly ditching someone so quickly after they paid for my drink, so I thanked him, told him to have a good night, but that I should get back to my friends. Before I left, he said, “Well, whatever you do tonight, trust this,” and he pointed to my stomach, touching it with the tip of his finger. “What?” I asked. He said, “Always trust your gut. I hope to see you later tonight.” I thought he was just being a creepy dude at a bar trying to pick up girls and I walked away.

I only took a few sips of the drink before the room started spinning. I could no longer form coherent sentences. It was only my second drink of the night, and I hadn’t pregamed before going downtown, so I should have been in complete control of my body, but I wasn’t. I don’t remember a single thing from the rest of the evening.

At 6:30 the next morning, I woke up completely naked and alone in my bed. I immediately knew something was wrong.


I guess she didn’t take her own advice –>

You may feel silly walking around a bar with your hand on top of your drink, or making the person who bought your drink take a sip of it first, or asking a friend to cover your drink while you go to the bathroom, but these little precautions could make all the difference. I learned about it the hard way but I hope you’ll never have to.



40 Comments on UPDATE: Reporter has her drink drugged for the second time in a couple of years

  1. Coulda been Space Aliens.
    There always doing shit like that.
    I remeber wunce swimming nekkid in th pool (lookin all studly and shit for the SS girls) that I drunken my tekkila sunrise and then couldn’t not standt anymore. The pool seemed all wet and watery-like!
    I felteded tlike I wa s flaoting!
    Some scary shit!

    Anyhowze, when I come back to mornal, Jill said “yeh, prolly some space aliens got yer ass!” shooken her hed and walked out – I was in bed with a coupla dead skwirrls!
    it was weerd, I tells ya.

  2. Translation:

    Got so Goddamn drunk she did not know what planet she was on and ended up banging a guy she later wished she hadn’t. Then repeated that script.

  3. These things DO happen.
    It happened to my mother in the late 70s, thankfully her cousin saved her before she could be raped.
    (She was found half naked in some guys dorm room, her cousin was running around knocking on doors and yelling her name.)

    As for this person’s story… it seems dumb enough to be real. I’m sure parts of it (especially the crying), were a bit exaggerated, but I still believe it happened.

  4. I’m thinking 99.999% her ordeal ends with waking up in a strange room naked and her ass hurting. WTF? Bull shit story and a bad liar. She’ll never make a good journalist.

  5. Drinks in Chicago are expensive so WHY NOT accept a drink from an oily dude who creeps you out? And she ain’t too specific about events this time. She’s trying to cover something up.


  6. Wymyn are always trying to buy me drinks and rub my crotch.

    Something about short, fat, bald-headed, bearded (with food stuck in it), cigar-smoking, flatulent, old geezers that drives em wild.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Lightweight!

    Last week I started drinking around 2PM. I was at another bar with an acquaintance and a bunch of people I didn’t know by 5PM. We had a good time there and by 7PM I was at a strange house in the middle of nowhere. Had a few drinks there and by 8PM we were all in a quarry in the middle of nowhere. After some four wheeling and more drinking we were back at the house. There we had some more drinks, started some motorcycles up that were parked in the kitchen and about 1130PM we were at another bar ordering pizza. Had some pizza and a few more drinks, then I left and went home.

    The next morning, I was rolling around in bed thinking Jameson and pickle juice don’t mix real well. When my wife asked if I shit my pants. I had to think for a minute, nope I didn’t, that’s mud!

    Point being. It’s the liberal cesspool cities that’s the problem with getting drugged while out drinking. Fucking hillbillies out in the sticks are just looking to have a good time, even if they don’t know you. Just be part of the group and they’ll take you wheeling and drinking!

  8. Ohhh. You mean the journalist.
    Because otherwise, no, it only happened once to my mom, when she was visiting her cousin in collage.

    I said I believe the journalist, but I only meant her original drugging story. The second one seems like bullshit. I guess I forgot to clarify. :b

  9. Whore.
    Stop taking advantage of lonely middle aged dudes. If you’re not interested, don’t accept drinks from them. And don’t accept candy from guys driving vans and wearing trench coats. Or you’ll get Cosby-ed

  10. Jussie Smollette, is that you?
    If she had only said that the guy who bought her the drink was wearing a MAGA hat, threw bleach on her and tied a noose around her neck, then she would be believable.

  11. Some of you will recognize this line from an old story, said by a very large bear to a hunter, just before he has his way with him – again: “You’re not here for the huntin’, are ya…”

    It fits.

  12. One of the first things I learned in the Navy, don’t drink something you haven’t had 100% control of (think young frat style pranks – “rimming the cup” – and I’ll leave it at that).

  13. If I understand this, she’s been drugged at a bar three times yet never called the cops and hasn’t changed her routine while out clubbing. It’s either bullshit for attention (else a pre-emptive strike to account for some bad behavior/judgement she’s afraid may pop up at a later date) or she’s telling the truth in which case having proven that she can’t learn from experience will end up in the morgue at a too young age.

  14. “Bull shit story and a bad liar. She’ll never make a good journalist.”

    …I had thought that being a bullshit liar was REQUIRED in modern journalism, @Bad Brad, and they’ve given me NO reason to believe otherwise…

  15. I wake up nude every morning. Never paid it much attention as thats the way I go to bed. But, after reading this article it has dawned on me that my cats are going thru more catnip than in the past.🤔

  16. ME TOO!
    I wake up with a sore greasy ass all the time! That’s just the risk you take when you eat or drink something a complete stranger hands you. But hey, if you can batt your eyes and giggle and save $5 bucks it worth it. Thaat’s what the morning after pi;; is for – whores

  17. in those tweets you should note she didn’t claim someone drugged her. she is deceptive but her language will reveal her. it is a hoot, this is statement analysis 101. it is likely she did not directly lie in her tweets.

  18. She has actually written about THREE instances of being drugged. In the Cosmo article, she tells a story that allegedly occurred two years prior. In a 9/26/18 tweet during the Kavanaugh hearings, she claimed to have been drugged twice before. That would mean this April 2019 incident is her third time being drugged. What are the chances? This person is bringing you your politcal news.


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