Tolerant Left Can’t Take Speech Titled “Men Are Not Women” – IOTW Report

Tolerant Left Can’t Take Speech Titled “Men Are Not Women”

Daily Wire host, Michael Knowles was attempting to address the University of Missouri community last night when one protestor tried to end the speaker’s remarks with a super soaker full glitter and what smelled like bleach.

Mr. Knowles was there to discuss the fact that “Men Are Not Women” when his speech was disrupted multiple times by protestors.  There were two arrests. More

7 Comments on Tolerant Left Can’t Take Speech Titled “Men Are Not Women”

  1. What do “normal” people get out of supporting gays, trannies and perverts? There aren’t that many votes. A couple days ago there was something about congress passing a bill supporting trannies. WHY? I don’t get why there isn’t more push back agains’t what is clearly perverted and idiotic. Somebody is paying for this. Who? Hollywood? Rich gay people?

  2. And one more reason that UM has been losing students since the BLM was established. No common sense, no logical thinking skills, just pure emotion and doing what the Prog white masters want them to do.

    Get outside of Columbia and MO is a really nice state.

  3. It’s all about clearing the deck, one by one, forcing acceptance and support for all these groups so they can go after their Holy Grail – making pedophilia legal and forcing everybody to accept/support it.


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