Drug-Resistant E. Coli Found At Petting Zoos – IOTW Report

Drug-Resistant E. Coli Found At Petting Zoos

A group of biologists in Israel wondered what might be lurking on the animals commonly found at petting zoos. They looked at eight different facilities from around the Jewish nation “taking samples of fecal matter as well as from the body surface (skin, fur, or feathers) from 228 animals belonging to 42 different species.”

They found about 12 percent of the animals to be “colonised with at least one ESBL/AmpC-producing bacterial strain, with 35 different recovered species of bacteria…Among the bacterial strains identified, were the highly virulent E. coli ST656, which causes travellers’ diarrhoea, and E. coli ST127; a frequent cause of urinary tract infections in humans.”  More

6 Comments on Drug-Resistant E. Coli Found At Petting Zoos

  1. E. coli ST127 a frequent cause of urinary tract infections in Shep Smith and Don Lemon and a scientifically improbable over-represention at CNN, NBC and Fox Afternoon lineups.

  2. It’s remarlable, but I don’t believe most people observe basic hygiene, like simply washing your hands after handling animals, using the toilet, and before eating or preparing food. WTF?

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