Conservative Student Stalked, Menaced By Leftist Maniac In Seattle – IOTW Report

Conservative Student Stalked, Menaced By Leftist Maniac In Seattle

A female student attending South Seattle College had been manning a sign-up booth for Turning Point USA on her campus when the sign for the organization was taken by a yet to be identified individual. When Katie Daviscourt finished her volunteer work she was followed out to the parking lot by the same individual who verbally assaulted her then climbed into his vehicle and behaved menacingly towards Daviscourt. The stalker finally took off after clipping another vehicle in the parking lot.

According to Daviscourt, the vehicle has been identified and campus safety has identified a suspect-  More

24 Comments on Conservative Student Stalked, Menaced By Leftist Maniac In Seattle

  1. I wonder how often Leftist violence like this is happening that and never reported or simply ignored and discouraged by police and other authorities when someone tries to report it.

  2. Although I am Canadian, I have watched with great interest what is happening with our American cousins. I agree with “Ivan the Grumpy”, a civil war is coming and soon. My reading of the situation is that it will be a short, nasty war with the large blue cities (Los Angeles, NYC, Boston, Chicago) being cut off from food/supply deliveries.
    On another note, Alberta is voting today. I sincerely hope that Red Rachel has her ass kicked – she has ruined that fine province.

  3. Y’all do realize that although the left likes to portray themselves with a large footprint and a large following, they are a small group of ineffectual loudmouths. It wont be much of a war.
    Trigglypuff herself wouldn’t fit in a fighting trench without major machinery with heavy duty hydraulic assistance.

  4. ^ You gotta let some of us get out first, Tim. BTW, it’s not just Mt. Rainier. Any of the Cascade volcanoes, 7.5-9.0 earthquakes, related tsunamis, forest fires, storms, etc. We’re a potpourri of documented disasters. And now, the latest: a growing dysfunctional population.

  5. Fascinating exchange between Larry O’Connor and the communications director of Montgomery County MD police department just now.

    A) Kellyanne Conway was assaulted in a restaurant and this week Montgomery County quietly and mysteriously dropped charges against the assailant

    B) An immigrant from Togo was assaulted and robbed yesterday because they didn’t like his hat.

    Police spokesman was asked if these were hate crimes. He hemmed and hawed. ‘We don’t like to see violence from either side.’ O’Connor asked for an example of politically motivated attacks by Trump supporters on the left. Nothing. Not one.

  6. Note the university statement, “we suspended a student 4/15…while the matter is under investigation… we will not be releasing the name of the student”.

    Ok I agree with this policy/sentiment, however, one can’t deny the fact, were it not a libprog, (I know a conservative wouldn’t be in this situation) the student’s identity would leak and let the doxxing commence.

  7. PHenry 5:04 B)
    Totally left out that Togo immigrant man was wearing a MAGA hat.
    Screwed that up big time, but the IOTW crowd is a high IQ bunch and probably figured it out.

  8. How are those white nationalist/supremacist evil plots working out for everybody? That’s what we’re accused of. I have no ideas about sinister plots or targets.
    Maybe I am just too busy doing other things.

  9. @PHenry – but it’s clear your either ‘doing something,’ or ‘did something,’ so you must be one of them, on one side or the other, especially if you are a white male!

    (I’m doing something right now: home sick today.)

  10. @jimmy
    There’s a rumor that Robert Francis O’Rourke (known to some as masterbeto) is in town. Perhaps i can flush him out of a pot field. But I am feeling a major bowel movement coming on so the flushing may just occur and the pot might just be a seat.

    I’m really not sure. But Mr. O’Rourke is pretty much free to roam about the area and garner little to no attention whatsoever. Which is what he’s used to. Except when he jumps up onto a lunch counter and starts flapping his arms.


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