PELOSI CONFUSION: ‘116 women in Congress — 15 Republican, 91 Democrat’ – IOTW Report

PELOSI CONFUSION: ‘116 women in Congress — 15 Republican, 91 Democrat’

AM: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s attempt at math today may explain why the national debt has never been higher.

Appearing on CNN from Dublin, Ireland, Pelosi was attempting to distract from awkward questions about Rep. Ilhan Omar and her anti-Semitism by broadening the discussion to the record number of women in the Congress.

“We have spectacular new members of Congress,” Pelosi told Christiane Amanpour, “over 60 new members.

“Our House Democratic caucus is over 60 percent women, people of color, LGBTQ, uh, the number is growing. 91 women. There are 115 women in Congress,” she continued before stopping, “116.

Fifteen are Republican, 91 are Democrats. We made a decision to grow our numbers, we want more,” she said.

That, of course, totals 106, not 116 or what she initially said, 115. Pew notes 106 women are in the 116th Congress.

Earlier in the appearance, the House Speaker was asked about one of her most inflammatory new caucus members: Rep. Ilhan Omar. In particular, she was asked if she’s spoken to the Muslim congresswoman about her minimization of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.  more

21 Comments on PELOSI CONFUSION: ‘116 women in Congress — 15 Republican, 91 Democrat’

  1. Kinda like that place I used to be employed… the more women in power, especially in the technical departments, the more everything bogged down into a farce.

    They were fine in editorial, but 99 out of 100 had NO business in the technical and maintenance side of the business.

  2. “I think that there’s a lot of people more concerned about being precisely, factually, and semantically correct than about being morally right.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Women in Pelosi’s congress: 23%

    Women in the senate: 23%

    Same in both houses! Not that it’s bad except we need more women from the south! And less liberal women from the north and coastals!


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