That was so much fun! – IOTW Report

That was so much fun!

Patriot Retort: You know, I needed a little pick-me-up this morning. Lupus is going after my knees like a horde of invading Huns.

And what better way to turn my frown upside down than watching Attorney General Barr’s press conference.

That was so much fun!

The only way that could have been more fun is if President Trump made a cameo appearance.

I don’t know what I enjoyed more:  Watching AG Barr completely dismantle the Democrat/Media narrative point-by-point.  Or watching the reporters desperately try to salvage that dismantled narrative with their inane and insipid questions.

This was the best moment:


17 Comments on That was so much fun!

  1. I want my money back! 35 million dollars spent by a cabal of Democrats over a two year period of time and their conclusion is: “Trump did not commit any crime, therefore, he is not exonerated”!

  2. @Anonymous April 18, 2019 at 12:35 pm

    > What “reporters?” You mean democrat propagandists, don’t you?

    FOX was there. That’s Not The Democrats™ propagandists.

  3. Hey everybody, don’t forget that those reporters are all Journalism School graduates and journalism students are the scum of the campus!

  4. @not that anonymous APRIL 18, 2019 AT 12:41 PM

    @Anonymous April 18, 2019 at 12:35 pm

    > What “reporters?” You mean democrat propagandists, don’t you?

    FOX was there. That’s Not The Democrats™ propagandists.

    FOX is well on its way to joining the other propagandists. This is no longer MY FOX News, let alone “my father’s” FOX News.

  5. This is going to be the MSDM’s Stalingrad. They will never let go of this. They have two more years to beat dead horses and search for collusion and obstruction. Meanwhile, the biggest political story in this country’s history will go unreported because they can’t handle being honest journalists.

  6. Hey MJA; sorry about the Lupus. Since it is an auto-immune
    disorder you might want to try a good Ayurvedic Medicine doctor. It’s a thousands of years old treatment based on “Food Is Medicine”. I didn’t believe in it but over 20 years ago I was desperate with a back problem and after a few weeks of treatments I am convinced it cured me.
    NOT KIDDING. I still take the Turmeric, Fenugreek, and Ginger powders mixed tonic daily and at 68 have almost No Arthritis (auto-immune caused). I buy the powders at a Indian grocery for less than 10 bucks a month. Good Luck!

  7. CNN has a bunch of stories about how Trump is guilty as hell.
    CNN and its reporters are nothing but clingers and graspers.

    It’s gone from nutso to stark raving madness.

  8. @Anon

    “The DOJ now has to go on to expose and prosecute clinton, obama and friends. It they dont, our counrty wont survive.”

    I hope the AG does exactly that. Push them till they’re on the edge of the cliff. They’ll go off their rockers and maybe start their revolution. And that will be the end of them. Finally.

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