Mueller intentionally left insinuation in his report so that the left could use it as a smear – Trey Gowdy – IOTW Report

Mueller intentionally left insinuation in his report so that the left could use it as a smear – Trey Gowdy


Gowdy wasn’t pleased by this pussyfooting.

“What I would say with respect to Mueller is if you have enough on obstruction, then charge him. And then let a jury of 12 decide whether or not your evidence carries the burden of persuasion. But what we have now is a hung jury,” he complained to host Neil Cavuto.

His argument essentially was that Mueller should have gone ahead and issued charges against Trump for obstruction of justice. Why? Because that would have at least allowed the president the opportunity to challenge the allegations against him in a court of law.

Instead, the special counsel left the issue hanging via a report loaded with “a bunch of insinuations and interpretations,” as one commentator put it, that are now being used by congressional Democrats and their media allies to smear the president as corrupt.

“This is unbecoming behavior for a prosecutor and an outrageous shifting of the burden of proof: The constitutional right of every American to force the government to prove a crime has been committed, rather than to have to prove his or her own innocence,” renowned former federal prosecutor Andrew C. McCarthy explained in an op-ed for the New York Post this week.

“If special counsel Mueller believed there was an obstruction offense, he should have had the courage of his convictions and recommended charging the president. Since he wasn’t convinced there was enough evidence to charge, he should have said he wasn’t recommending charges. Period. Anything else was — and is — a smear. Worse than that, it flouts the Constitution.”


14 Comments on Mueller intentionally left insinuation in his report so that the left could use it as a smear – Trey Gowdy

  1. This is what I expected for some time now, Mueller wasn’t just going to go away in defeat after failing to find any evidence of any crime(s) committed, he had to attack the president in some manner both to justify what he did and to open other reasons to keep attacking him in the future.

    Now imagine for a few seconds, what if Comey had done something similar to Hillary instead of completely exonerating her in that FBI e-mail “investigation”?

  2. The Muleman should be an example, his entire Mule Team. Should be his first one’s prosecuted for this massive miscarriage of justice against a properly elected president of United States. The punishment for their crimes is death by hanging, preferably in the public square as an example for others.

  3. The constitutional right of every American to force the government to prove a crime has been committed, rather than to have to prove his or her own innocence

    He’s been on that “civil forfeiture” jag for longer than The Notorious RBG.

  4. Like they needed it?

    The left’s credibilty is (drum roll, please…) – zero. They are liars, propagandists, pervs and thieves. Treasonous, as well.

    That said, better stay on our game collectively, or we’ll be ruled by them, and look back to the days before Soviet-Islamic America.

  5. “Now imagine for a few seconds, what if Comey had done something similar to Hillary instead of completely exonerating her in that FBI e-mail “investigation”?”

    Comey did NOTHING of the sort. He illustrated her crimes and admitted she committed them. Are you deaf? Stupid? Blind? There was NO exoneration, there was confirmation of wrongdoing and an admission she was above the law. He did so in plain language in front of the entire world.

  6. There is no evidence that he did it, but then again, there is no evidence that he didn’t do it. WTF?
    American Jurisprudence 2019
    Read Amendment V1 of the Constitution 1791.

  7. I’m probably in the minority here, but Trey Gowdy can keep his opinions to himself as far as I’m concerned. There was plenty he could have done when he was in Congress to protect the president, but all I heard was a bunch of tough talk with no teeth.

  8. Robespierre Mueller and the work of his Committee of Public Safety will continue with leaks and sworn testimony from all of his attorneys and agents for the next two years. Anyone who believes that the delivery of his Report has settled anything with the Radical Jacobins in control of the US House of Representatives will soon see that this investigation was just the first act in the Grand Delusion. The MSDM and seditious candidates for the presidential nomination of the Socialist-Demographic-Reparations-Homosexualist Party are never going to accept these findings. The only hope for the Republic is an offensive campaign that exposes this corruption and brings these criminals to account.

  9. Janitor’s right. He wasn’t a Trump fan (don’t know about nowadays), and he actually did want the investigation to continue. Full support. I’ve posted stories about that here. You can search it in the box below the header.

  10. Who did not see this coming 18 months ago?

    Trey Gowdy, that’s who.

    Now Gowdy feigns surprise that Mueller would do such a thing.

    That tells you everything you need to know about that RINO.


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